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那位女士冷淡地朝我点头。The lady nodded drily to me.

他冷冷地拒绝了她的请求。He refused her request drily.

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“我想起你误解了我,”他冷冷地说。"I think you misunderstood me,"he said drily.

“我想你误解了我,”他冷冷地说。"I think you misunderstood me. "he said drily.

这时候,茶巾上有一些冷冷诙谐的卡通威尔士矮脚狗。This time the tea towels bear drily witty cartoon corgis.

“灭火器弄的,亲爱的,”大使冷冷地回答。A fire extinguisher, my dear, ' answered the Ambassador drily.

更有号称当地“咖啡”的“干烘茶”。Even more delightful was the local "coffee", called the "Drily Baked Tea".

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"东亚可能难以出台这些举措,"Park冷冷地作出结论."East Asia may have difficulties in finding such measures," Park concluded drily.

戴维斯后来冷淡地评说那赛果是「白纸黑字」地摆在眼前。Davis later drily commented that the match had all been there "in black and white".

该法官在其裁定中,干巴巴地注明“法庭承认这是个严酷的结果。”In his ruling, the judge drily noted, “The Court recognises this is a draconian result.

“然后他们也用粗茶淡饭伺候你?”斯内普干巴巴地说,开始感到愤怒。"And do they feed you bread and water, as well?"? Snape asked drily , beginning to be very angry.

还应避免食用燥热之品,如羊肉、狗肉和辛辣食物等。Still should avoid edible to be tasted hot and drily , wait like meat of hotpot, dog and hot food.

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“丽莎,”安德烈公爵冷漠地说道,抬高了声调,这足以表明,他的耐性到了尽头。"Liza, " said Prince Andrey drily , raising his voice to a pitch that showed his patience was exhausted.

气的思想贯穿于整个中国传统文化,被广泛地应用于日常社会生活和各个文化领域。The concept ofm covers the whole Chinese traditional culture and is employed in all areas of drily the and culture.

“先生,请让开。”伊波利特公爵妨碍安德烈公爵走过去,安德烈公爵于是冷冰冰地、满不高兴地用俄国话对他说道。"Allow me, sir, " Prince Andrey said in Russian drily and disagreeably to Prince Ippolit, who prevented his passing.

本文着重介绍旱育秧技术在四川不同生态区的利用途径和旱育秧的育苗技术。The drily raised rice seedling techniques and the field cultivation methods for different ecotypes were discussed in this Paper.

在向观众致意时,他说,这就是为什么“你们是唯一愿意观看这部影片的人──但今晚实在是棒极了。”Gesturing to the audience, he remarked drily that that's why 'these are the only people who are gonna see it─but this has been a great night.'