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此产品在测试过程中,造成不便请谅解。Product is testing, creates inconveniently please forgives!

另外一些是位于郊区的办公园,一切都是那么不方便。Others are in suburban office parks inconveniently removed from everything.

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英文网站在建设中,造成不便请谅解。English website in the construction, creates inconveniently please forgives!

低噪音高质量设计,减少人员操作不便。The low noise high grade design, reduces the personnel operates inconveniently.

只是男方个性低调所以不便讲出。Is only the groom's family individuality low key, therefore mentions inconveniently.

甚至是对房主实行的推迟利息的方案,结果证明也是极不方便的。Even implementing the interest-deferral scheme for homeowners has proved inconveniently tricky.

或者,对于某些查询来说,结果类型是可表示出来的,但要写出来却是冗长麻烦的。Alternately, for some queries, the result type is denotable but inconveniently verbose to write down.

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我也发现理想主义者常常倾向于忽略经验和实验,这些经验和实验不巧恰好与教义或理论相抵触。I also find idealists prone to ignore experience and experiment that inconveniently clashes with dogma or theory.

也许这也是为了防止年轻人们养成鲁迅那样让人不快的爱挑毛病的习惯。Perhaps also it was an attempt to discourage the youth of today from Lu Xun's inconveniently fault-finding habits.

而且这么多年我一直在北京,我有什么不便会让人代领。Moreover these many year I in Beijing, I have had anything inconveniently to let the human receive as agent for somebody else.

这种做法就像父母们把一盘子水果放在孩子触手可及的地方,却把饼干藏在餐具柜的最上一格,不让孩子轻易拿到。It's like a parent who puts a bowl of fruit within easy reach while stashing the cookies inconveniently on the pantry's top shelf.

麻烦的是,奥巴马将自己的特派大使理查德·霍尔布鲁克的职责称之为排出印度、巴基斯坦之间的不安定因素。Inconveniently , Obama defined the portfolio of his special envoy to the region, Richard Holbrooke, to exclude India-Pakistan dynamics.

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位置不便的公交车站——位于一些没人想去用的地方的巴士站或是火车站是优秀的失败窍门。Inconveniently located transit stops Bus or train stops located in places where no one wants to use them are a good recipe for failure.

二是部分以CPLD、ARM或专用运动控制芯片为主控核心,不利于控制软件对用户的开放。Second, some controllers apply CPLD, ARM or special chips to motion control calculating, that makes the software system open to users inconveniently.

在战争年代,由于运输不便,英国茶叶很是缺乏,而现在,各种高级的特色茶随处可见。In war age, because transports inconveniently , the English tea very is lacks, but the present, each high-level characteristic tea finds at everywhere.

于是,“爱心妈妈”在各地设立寄养点,专门解决孩子们在往来城市的奔波不便。Therefore, "compassion mother" sets up in each region places the spot, solves the children to rush about inconveniently specially in the intercourse city.

监查员会遇到将文具资料、笔记本电脑、公文包以及其它物品等重物从不便利的车站搬运到办公室和临床基地。The monitor will encounter heavy loads of stationery, laptop computers, briefcases and other items to be transported from inconveniently located car parks to offices and clinics.

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结果解决传统牙科治疗机笨重不便携带的问题,改造后的器械能起到直接照明作用。Results The problem of carrying the traditional and heavy dental equipment inconveniently was solved. The equipment after reforming can have the function of getting light directly.

主要用于锅炉造船冶金工业及其他行业各种金属的铲切,尤其是各种不规则或狭小不方便表面铲切工作。Mainly used for chipping different metals in boiler, shipbuilding and metallurgy industries as well as another industries, especially for abnormal or inconveniently operated surface.

但是如果在安全教育跟不上的情况下,安全防范措施不要附加上其他不便言说的理由,以免落人口实。But if, in the safe education cannot follow in the situation, the safety precaution measure do not attach the reason which on other speak inconveniently , in order to avoid falls the person pretext.