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你很卑鄙,而且很自负。You're coarse, and you're conceited.

不骄不躁,不浮不傲。Conceited or rash, do not float is not proud.

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小有成就之后他变得自负起来。He became conceited after only modest success.

她说,他已成为自负,坚持工作。She says he has become conceited and stuck-up.

“你可真够自以为是的,”金龟子大叫。"How conceited you are!" exclaimed the beetle.

我们不应因为成功而变得骄傲。We shouldn't grow conceited over our successes.

持守此道的人,是不会自满自溢的。Those who follow this Tao will not be conceited.

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他受不了他们这样自高自大。He could not bear that they should be so conceited.

我有那么一点点崇拜我自己,希望这听起来不太自负。I kind of look up to myself, not to sound conceited.

这是为了向人致意用的。"It is a hat for salutes, " the conceited man replied.

那麽高傲,那麽自大,叫人不可容忍!So high and so conceited that there was no enduring him!

那些自负的人嘛,总会不由地鸡鸣于鹤群之中。The conceited man, always can't help crowing in a swoop.

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职业人士的生活十分忙碌,而骄傲自满的人贪图安逸生活。Acareer man lives a busy life. A conceited man leads an easy one.

凯特如此自负,我们都不想和她一起丁作。Kate is conceited that we all don't want to work together with her.

他回如此高傲,竟不相信群众的智慧?Was he so conceited as not to believe in the wisdom of the masses ?

我觉得她给人一种自以为是的轻狂,令人厌恶。It seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence.

这恐怕是一只动物所创作的最最狂妄自大的歌了。It was perhaps the most conceited song that any animal ever composed.

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怡悦的精神,在于不矫饰自负。One with harmonious spirit is far from being pretentious and conceited.

这些穿著名的红蓝球衣的男孩们也没有骄傲或自大。Nor are the boys in the famous maroon-and-blue stripes arrogant or conceited.

学习技艺哪能骄傲自满,一知半解呢!To learn a skill, how can one be conceited and learn only half-baked knowledge?