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内侍罗马教皇的名誉侍从。An often honorary papal attendant.

教廷外交几乎同教皇的职位一样古老。Papal diplomacy is almost as old as the papacy.

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一些年轻的朋克在星期天弥撒时试图给我来个教皇式捶打。Some young punk at Sunday Mass tried to Papal Pound me.

有时教皇的罗马城是腐败肮脏的魔窟。Sometimes papal rome was a den of corruption and uncleanness.

但是,反对人工辅助受孕则是教廷的正式立场。But opposition to assisted conception is official papal policy.

中世纪的牧师认为,教皇的宝座是坐落在城市中的。For medieval clerics, it was the city that housed the papal seat.

在一掷千金的一集中主教给豪伊曼德尔来了一个教皇式捶打。The Pope, Papal Pounded Howie Mandel on the set of Deal or No Deal.

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他任职教皇的中心意图就是要恢复教皇权力。The central meaning of his pontificate is to restore papal authority.

撇开别的不说,单就这个原因,我们也应该严肃对待教皇的这一指喻。For this reason, if for no other, we should take this papal bull seriously.

教廷的队长曾白费力气地试图说服妻子留下不去。The papal captain have vainly endeavoured to induce his wife to remain behind him.

如果教会现在对其纲领进行否认,这就成了对教皇权威的蔑视。Were the Church now to repudiate that doctrine, it would undermine papal authority.

他有力地抨击罗马教廷僭越权限和腐化败坏的行为。With convincing power he portrayed the usurpation and corruptions of the papal see.

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他维护教宗权力,并建立罗马教宗有统治教会事务的权力。He maintained papal authority and established Roman primacy in ecclesiastical affairs.

现在将其重印于梵蒂冈报纸的决定,显然是其观点得到了教宗的支持与认可。The decision to republish it in the Vatican newspaper gives it added papal endorsement.

罗马殖民地的旧址,它于'3年成为教皇国的一部分。On the site of a Roman colony, it became part of the Papal States in '3. Population, 90,47.

1520年,路德收到革出教会令,之后便烧毁了教谕。In December 1520 Luther received his Papal Bull of excommunication and then later burned it.

亨利需要很多钱来支持他在威尔士和法国的战争,以及罗马教廷的改革。Henry needed more money for his wars against Wales and France, and to support a papal crusade.

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1870年的今天,意大利军队控制教皇国,统一了意大利。In 1870, Italian troops took control of the Papal States, leading to the unification of Italy.

罗马殖民地的旧址,它于1631年成为教皇国的一部分。On the site of a Roman colony, it became part of the Papal States in 1631. Population, 90,147.

但革命没有成功,教皇的权力由一个东欧联盟恢复。The revolution wasn't however successful and papal power was restored by a Europeen coalition.