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我步行了二公里。I footed two kilometers.

这御座是用黄金做的脚。The throne was footed with gold.

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人们在蓝天下跳起了里戈莱托舞。Rigoletto was footed under the blue sky.

约翰的作文选词总是不当。John's composition are always heavy- footed.

如果你是一只蓝脚鲣鸟,你会用双脚跳舞。If you're a blue footed booby, you do a dance.

彼得被罚款了,因为他好开快车。Peter was fined because he was too heavy- footed.

象是世界上最大的四脚动物。An elephant is the largest four- footed animal on earth.

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全部费用共计四百加拿大元。The expenses footed up to four hundred canadian dollars.

当然了,如果你是左撇子那刚好相反,但是我要提前强调一下Of course, if you're left footed it goes the other way, but they've corrected for that.

有两个囚犯企图逃走,但就在逃跑当中被抓获了。Two of the prisoners were trying to escape but were caught flat- footed in the attempt.

大约24分钟的时候,哪位阿森纳球员展示了他双脚左右开弓的能力?Which Arsenal man showed his two footed skills precisely 24 minutes into the cup final?

这是一个很慢的过程,也是一条弯路,但是会更好地确保你能够到达目的地。It will be slow progress and a zigzag path, but it is a more sure footed way to get there.

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尤有什者,他们为自己制造偶像,把各种爬虫走兽认作自己的神。More than that they made their own idols and even said that four footed beasts were their gods.

习惯用右脚射门的球员从左路进攻,会更容易把球射入球门So right footed players find it easier to shoot to the left as facing, to shoot across the goal.

有大家喜欢的里戈莱托,或者叫做圈舞,于雾蒙蒙的蓝天下「在广场上」跳了起来。There was the favourite rigoletto, or round dance, footed "in piazza" under the blue frosty sky.

去年夏天,戴夫•林达纽约阿第伦达克豪华大厦里为18个亲戚买单。Last summer, Dave Lindahl footed the bill for 18 relatives at a fancy mansion in the Adirondacks.

如果你有着多样性低等系统,现在在场的物种总是包括白老鼠。If you have a low diversity system, the species that are present always include white footed mice.

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该计划成本很可能来自募集债券,或国有银行贷款,最终由纳税人买单。The cost will be footed by taxpayers, probably through a bond issues or borrowing from state-owned banks.

马卢达是仅有的这样的选手,但他现在有伤在身。其他队员全是右脚。Florent Malouda is the only player who can play with his left foot and he is injured. Everyone else is right footed.

了解如何修剪陶轮上扔在这个自由录像艺术课一位专家提示足陶杯。Learn how to trim a footed pottery cup with expert tips for throwing on a pottery wheel in this free video art lesson.