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布利昂街,你看见没有?Rue Brion. Do you see it?

他回到了卜吕梅街。He returned to the Rue Plumet.

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给我丝柏和芸香。For me the cypress and the rue.

他将会因为和她结婚而抱恨终身。He'll rue the day he married her.

她同他结婚将遗恨终生。She'll rue the day she married him.

我们住在武人街。We live in the Rue de l'Homme Arme.

长满了苦涩的野草和芸香。Beovergrown with bitter weeds and rue.

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芸香和百里香,一个花园里长。Rue and thyme grow both in one garden.

我们还是住在武人街。We are still in the Rue de l'Homme Arme.

让我们再回到麻厂街。Let us return to the Rue de la Chanvrerie.

总有一天,诸神会因他们的仁慈而懊悔。And in time, the gods would rue their mercy.

美丽城的帕诺尔大街上,橱窗里的面包。Bread in window on Rue Ramponeau in Belleville.

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两分钟过后,他到了圣路易街。Two minutes later he was in the Rue Saint-Louis.

他悔不该那天使她的自尊心受到很大伤害。He will rue the day when he hurt her pride deeply.

一次,他跟着珂赛特到了西街。One day he followed Cosette to the Rue de l'Ouest.

另一个在圣辣匝禄麦仓街被杀死。Another was killed in the Rue Grenier-Saint-Lazare.

利比亚人会为选择卡扎菲而后悔不已。Libyans would grow to rue the day Gaddafi took over.

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马阿拉路的星辰广场上的咖啡馆及餐厅。Rue Maarad cafes and restaurants off Place d'Etoile.

靠近巴士站、地铁和穆浮达街。All located near bus stops, metro and Rue Mouffetard.

不久,他连圣路易街也走不到了。Soon he no longer came as far as the Rue Saint-Louis.