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你是处女座的沙加。You are Virgo Shaka.

亲爱的室女座,开心一点。Be happy, dear Virgo.

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处女座和天秤座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Libra love compatibility

处女座与巨蟹座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Cancer love compatibility

处女座和双子座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Gemini love compatibility

处女座和双鱼座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Pisces love compatibility

处女座和金牛座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Taurus love compatibility

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处女座和天蝎座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Scorpio love compatibility

处女座和水瓶座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Aquarius love compatibility

处女座和摩羯座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Capricorn love compatibility

处女座和射手座的爱情匹配度Virgo and Sagittarius love compatibility

处女和摩羯也是土象星座。Virgo and Capricorn are also earth signs.

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处女座受到攻击时,喜欢反击。Virgo likes to attack back when confronted.

这块牌子装饰着室女宫的标记。This plaque is decorated with the sign of Virgo.

摩羯座和处女、金牛一样,是土象星座。Capricorn is an earth sign, like Virgo and Taurus.

处女是土象星座,天蝎是火象星座。Virgo is an Earth Sign and Scorpio is a Water Sign.

处女是一个可改变的星座,而天蝎是一个稳定的星座。Virgo is a Mutable Sign and Scorpio is a Fixed Sign.

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在流动的水星控制下,处女座需求努力才能获得稳定。Ruled by scal-shifting Mercury, Virgo stays exert to stability.

室女座是过于敏感,只有当它的实际是敏感。Virgo is sensitive too, only if it's practical to be sensitive.

你是处女座的沙迦,你是88星座中最接近上帝的神。You are Virgo Shaka. You are the Closest to God Amoung 88 saints.