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现有网格的安全尺度采取了基于X.509证书的PKI机制。Grid security is based on the PKI certificate X. 509 mechanism.

这三个方面分别代表三维结构中的时间维、技术维和管理维。The new architecture is a three-dimensional model and based on PKI.

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公钥证书是将实体的身份和公开密钥绑定在一起的一种数据结构。PKI is the data structure which bind the identity of entity with its public-key.

简单介绍了PKI及其微观体系结构、交叉认证的含义。PKI and its microstructure are introduced in brief, also the signification of cross-certification.

结合通信原理、信息论、信号处理理论为潜信道技术提供理论框架。Based on subliminal channel theory and PKI technique, the new information security techique is proposed.

最后建立了一个基于PKI的公钥数据加密系统,包括数据加密和数字签名和密钥分配的实现。At last I set up a system of public key encipher based on PKI and include data encipher and digital signature.

证书区制作区有中文的,大意就是下周开放在线签名,但是由于处于测试期,会有一些限制。As demand is currently higher than the PKI signing capacity, you may experience some restrictions on availability.

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第二,结合我国的国情,探索性地提出一个新的PKI信任模型——MBCA信任模型。Second, the new thinking of multistage trust model in PKI is put forward -MBCA, by combining our country's conditions.

文章以校园网为背景对LDAP在PKI中的应用进行了探讨和研究。This article will do some discussion and research on a LDAP-based application within PKI designed for campus networks.

分析了不同的PKI体系结构,论述了不同PKI信任域间实现互连存在的困难。Analyses the architectures of different PKIs, discusses the difficulties of implement in connecting different PKI systems.

与传统的PKI方案相比,IBE系统能以表明身份的任意字符串为公钥,不依赖于数字证书。Comparing with traditional PKI scheme, IBE can use any arbitrary string as a public key without the need for certificates.

介绍了PKI的体系、认证流程和常见的几种PKI信任模型以及基于身份的PKI技术。The PKI system, it authentication flow, several familiar PKI trust models and ID-based PKI techniques are briefly introduced.

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该文提出一种适合于园区网的单CA多RA加交叉认证的PKI模型的设计及实现。This paper presents the design and implementation of a single-CA-multi-RA plus cross-certification PKI model for campus networks.

本文主要研究了如何在3G的接入网端应用无线PKI来实现用户身份的机密性。This paper studies how the 3G radio access network side PKI applications to achieve the confidentiality of the identity of the user.

基于公钥密码思惟和PKI技术规范,本文提出了基于椭圆曲线离散对数题目的一次签名计划。Based on the public key cryptosystem and PKI technology criterion , in the thesis, put forward a one-time signature scheme based on ECDLP.

进一步结合SIM卡的高安全性对手机PKI系统中CSP层与RIL层进行详细的设计与实现。Therefore we have further design and study RIL layer and CSP layer in PKI system of mobile phone by applying the high security of SIM cards.

免撤销公钥框架作为一种新的PKI使得终端用户可以控制他自己的公钥证书的有效性,使验证证书不需要折回到CA去获取证书撤销信息,从而降低其使用代价。As a new type of PKI, non-repudiation PKI make makes the terminal users able to control the validation of his CA, which will reduce the expense.

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在简化PKI系统的研究中,本文首先介绍基于身份的加密算法,然后结合单向哈希链,提出一种基于IBE的改进PKI系统。In the research of simplifying PKI system, this paper proposes an improved PKI system based on the combine of the IBE and the one-way hash chain.

但是,仅仅依靠PKI机制无法完全满足大型分布式网络环境下授权管理和基于角色的访问控制等需求。However, merely in dependent of PKI can not totally fulfill the requirements of distributed authorization management and role-based access control.

最后,本文采用国产USB加密机,利用PKI技术,设计并实现了一个网络安全平台。At the last part of this paper, a security protocol used home USB Key, based on PKI was designed, and an internet security appliance was implemented.