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所有自进化者必须是像土狼一样高明的魔术师。Any self-evolver must be a coyote trickster.

山狗和跳蚤有什么区别?What's the difference between coyote and flea?

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最后狼先生终于将他的头也弄出去了。Mr. Coyote finally put his head through the hole.

美洲高原印第安人的上帝是郊狼。The God of the American Plateau Indian was Coyote.

狼和狐狸衬托下了山的另一面。Coyote and Fox set off down the hill on the other side.

于是狐狸又把眼镜卸了下来,抛到了洞外。Coyote took his eyes off and put them through the hole.

狼先生开始敲打着大树,但是大树就是不开。Mr. Coyote knocked on the tree, but it would not open up.

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他是个专做白领偷渡的蛇头,他也犯有洗钱罪。He is a white collar coyote. He also did money laundering.

她正沿路寻找着一种名叫做狼瓜的植物。She is searching along roads for a plant called the coyote melon.

我太激动了,因为我以前从没打过郊狼。“I was so excited, because I had never shot a coyote before,” he wrote.

小狼有几招,不过还希望各路高手再支招!Coyote has the recipe, but also wished to re-Weapon master separate ways!

接下来,狐狸试着把头伸出洞外,但头实在是太大了,过不去。Next Mr. Coyote tried to put his head through the hole, but it was too big.

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我们每人都付了一万美元给蛇头带我们进到美国。We paid a coyote ten thousand bucks a piece to get us in to the United States.

长尾鸟拉了一下绳子,一袋子的石块掉下来砸在草原狼的身上。The roadrunner pulled the string, and a whole bag of rocks fell upon the coyote.

在黄石国家公园拉马尔山谷里,大角羊对那里的北美小狼作出了反应。Bighorn sheep react to a coyote in the Lamar Valley in Yellowstone National Park.

那位长官宣布每张杀死的狼皮付15美元的赏金。The sheriff announced a bounty of 15 dollars for the pelt of every coyote killed.

纳瓦霍人的一首宗教歌曲告诉人们第一所Hogan是如何被狼神建造出来让人们使用的。A Navajo religious song tells how the first hogan was built for man by the god Coyote.

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然后他又开始将身体的各个部分组合回来,一块一块的,他终于又成了一位完整的狼先生了!He then put himself back together. One piece at a time he became a whole coyote again.

Jarrett希望蒙大拿州大瀑布市的考尤特能源会帮他的忙。Jarrett hopes that Coyote Energy, in Great Falls, Mont., will push him into the black.

最后狼先生决定,将他的胳膊取下来,每次将其中的一条胳膊从那个小小的洞口扔到外面。Mr. Coyote decided to take off his arms one at a time and put them through the small hole.