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那个怪人把他的衬衣反着穿。That screwball is wearing his shirt inside out.

直到我见到他,我才知道他是一个多么古怪的人。I never knew what a screwball be is until I met him.

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他也跟着我一起,于是我们绕了远路,坐到了曲线球广场上的一张长凳上。He tagged along and we wound up on a bench at Screwball Square.

起初我想将它制作成一部带有二十世纪三十年代怪诞喜剧色调的音乐剧。Originally I wanted to make it a musical with the feel of a 1930s screwball comedy.

科尔曼拍着自己的金属办公桌说道,“巴普蒂斯特就是个怪家伙。”Coleman smacks the top of his metal desk and says of Mr. Baptiste, 'That guy is a screwball.

在这个怪人的喜剧里,当“正常”的一个对另一个表露出他的真心感受时,火花碰撞出来了。Sparks fly as the "straight" one reveals his true feelings for the other in this screwball comedy.

然而,菲尔和克莱尔始终不像是神经喜剧中的人。Yet all the time Phil and Claire seem like the kind of people who don't belong in a screwball comedy.

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空中盗贼的奇特组合其实并不邪恶,他们的滑稽表演都是为喜剧效果而服务的。The odd collection of air pirates are more rivals than villans, and their screwball antics are played for comedy.

当需要将罗德曼这样的大混球视为终结国际僵局的希望的时候,国会太悲剧了。It's a sad time for the State Dept. when a screwball like Rodman is their best hope to end an international impasse.

当我再次穿过曲线球广场时,几个大学生还在冲着一个老头子喊着“红线在哪里?”When I walked through Screwball Square again, some college kids were yelling "wheah's your redlines" at old Charlie, the last of the Wobblies.

在现在这个年代,电影对话一般被刻意地愚蠢化和放慢节奏,以便适应低智的观众,而这部电影里面的对话则有着神经喜剧里面的速度和撞击。In an age when movie dialogue is dumbed and slowed down to suit slow-wits in the audience, the dialogue here has the velocity and snap of screwball comedy.

为了抢得一家时髦餐馆里的预定位置,菲尔和克莱尔冒充了一对订位后却没来的夫妇,而两名杀手以为他俩就是订位的夫妇,因此使他俩卷入了一场神经喜剧。They pretend to be an absent couple in order to grab a reservation at a trendy restaurant, and two hit men assume they are that couple and topple them into a screwball comedy.

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当中国电影公司都纷纷将其新电影档期排开,避免与好莱坞超级大片产生正面碰撞,光线影业却决定用一部神经喜剧正面迎击。While Chinese film companies moved the schedules of their new releases to avoid a head-on collision with the Hollywood juggernaut, Enlight Pictures decided to tackle the beast with a screwball comedy.