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丁香为哈尔滨市市花。Harbin City, clove flower.

他仍然坚守着这个理想。He still clove to this ideal.

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我们在丛林中开出了一条路。We clove a path through the jungle.

丁香在回家的路上碰到宝珠,宝珠说珍珠事了。Clove encounter on the way home, orb said pearl.

杀人犯用剑把那个男人的脑袋劈开了。The murderer clove the man's head open with a sword.

一些专家建议每天吃一瓣蒜Some experts recommend taking a clove of garlic a day

丁香松下劲来,感叹着儿大不由娘。Clove strength to panasonic, exclamation ZhaoEr big niang.

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寂寞的油纸伞下,是否还遮掩着丁香的哀怨?Lonely under oil paper umbrellas, still covered clove sad?

将一瓣大蒜打碎,可以闻到辛辣的芳香味。Smash a clove of garlic and take in the pungent fragrance.

大蒜是一种好东西,一瓣大蒜可以给你一头大蒜。Garlic is a good stuff, one clove can give you a whole bulb.

他指出,这种酒“有着淡淡的铜币颜色和强烈的丁香味道”。He noted its "light copper color and an intense clove aroma."

如果疲倦,闻上一点丁香油将令人清醒。If tired, smell a whiff of clove oil and it will wake you up.

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咖啡和丁香树的绿色果园铺以地毯一些山坡。Green orchards of coffee and clove trees carpet some hillsides.

叶爱卿更是坚决反对君兰和丁香在一起!Ye Aiqing is firmly opposed to royal orchid and clove together!

丁香到信园找到黎婶,将家里的情况告诉黎婶。Clove letter to the park to find aunts, the family told li aunts.

有圣水,丁香叶,银屑,白橡木,这肯定有效。Holy water , clove leaf , silver shavings , white oak . the works.

除了杀菌作用,丁香油还有麻痹功效。Clove oil has a numbing effect in addition to bacteria-fighting powers.

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然后把每个粉色皮革般坚韧的蒜瓣切开,露出里面的蒜肉。Then he cut each pink, leathery clove in half, exposing the fleshy center buds.

珍珠要来了床位,将母亲丢给丁香和宝珠等人就去上班了。Pearl to the bed, to throw it to the clove and treasure her mother went to work.

试验样地包括杨树片林、禾本科草坪和以丁香为主的灌木林。The experimental places included the poplar woods, the lawn, and the clove shrub.