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今天,我们向你介绍威利斯.科诺菲尔。Today, we tell about Willis Conover.

布鲁斯威利和黛咪摩儿终于离婚了。Bruce Willis and Demi Moore finally got divorced.

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没有几个美国人知道威利斯.科诺菲尔的节目。Very few Americans knew about Willis Conover's program.

威利牧师在94岁那年进入安养院。At age 94, Pastor Willis was admitted into a care facility.

威利斯.科诺菲尔说,爵士乐是自由的音乐。Willis Conover once said that jazz is the music of freedom.

威利斯.科诺菲尔还致力于在美国推广爵士乐。Willis Conover also worked to spread jazz in the United States.

威利斯拥有一副浑厚富有魅力的嗓音,对于播音来说再好不过了。Willis had a deep and rich voice that was perfect for broadcasting.

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这是威利斯.哈奇养牛用的仓库和竖井。This is the barn and silo used for the cattle raised by Willis Hatch.

威利斯说,这些照片"通过显示美发表政治声明"。These photographs employ “beauty as a political statement,” said Willis.

威利斯说,人们对这次摄影展反响非常积极。The response to the exhibition has been “overwhelmingly positive,” said Willis.

卡罗尔.威利斯在费耶特维尔的法学院上学的时候我就认识他了。I had known Carol Willis when he was a student at the law school in Fayetteville.

之前叫做西尔斯大厦,韦莱大厦是位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的一座108层摩天大楼。Formerly named Sears Tower, Willis Tower is a 108 story skyscraper in Chicago, Illinois.

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二十世纪四十年代期间,他在华盛顿听到了大量的爵士乐。Willis Conover heard a lot of jazz music during the nineteen forties in Washington, D.C.

当威利斯上高中时,他在学校的一个演出中扮演广播节目的主持人。When Willis was in high school, he played the part of a radio announcer in a school play.

在肯塔基州的JD乡村牛奶乳品公司,威利斯史洛克依照古法制作香甜浓郁的牛奶。At JD Country Milk in Kentucky, Willis Shrock makes sweet, creamy milk the old-fashioned way.

他们通过收听威利斯.科诺菲尔的“美国音乐”节目,第一次知道如何演奏爵士乐。They first learned how to play this music by listening to Willis Conover's "Music USA" program.

他偶尔会提到威利斯四姐妹之一,当时住在加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托市的格西·李。Occasionally he mentioned one of the Willis girls- Gussie Lee-who now lived in Sacramento, Calif.

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宇航局说虽然这样咱们也不用担心,因为他们已经把这项工作交给布鲁斯·威利斯和本·阿弗莱克了。NASA says we shouldn't worry though because they've given the job to Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck.

威利斯.科诺菲尔在与癌症作长期抗争后于1996年去逝,享年75岁,他安葬在华盛顿外面的阿林顿国家公墓中。Willis Conover died in nineteen ninety-six after a long struggle with cancer. He was seventy-five.

1996年,作为礼物,他为他的密友兼VOA爵士乐主持威利斯·康诺佛献上了一场全明星的爵士乐表演。In 1996, he performed in an all-star jazz tribute to his close friend, VOA jazz host Willis Conover.