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她生产孕妇服装。She makes maternity clothes.

第二、你休过产假了吗?Did you take maternity leave?

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一个有30个床位的产科病房。A maternity ward with 30 beds.

你家宝宝出生在哪家产院?Which maternity hospital was your baby born in?

在给受款人三个月产假时使用。Use when you give three months maternity leave to payees.

这是孕妇产业的一个肮脏的小秘密。This is one of the dirty secrets of the maternity industry.

生完第二个孩子后,我休产假已经休六个星期了。I am six weeks into my maternity leave with my second child.

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因此,孕妇泳衣绝对是必备的装备。So, the maternity swimsuit is a fairly essential bit of kit.

女工产假期间工资照发。Women workers are entitled to maternity leave with full pay.

是啊,你看上去气色真好!产假休得怎么样?I know. You look fabulous! How is your maternity leave going?

女工有权享受90天产假,工资照领。Women workers are entitled to a 90-day maternity leave with pay.

我去产科病房看我太太和我们的新生女儿。I went to the maternity ward to see my wife and our new daughter.

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很多临产妇女由于孕妇过多而被妇产医院拒之门外。Many expectant mothers were crowded out of the maternity hospitals.

在产假的头20周内母亲们将能享受全薪待遇。Mothers will get full pay for the first 20 weeks of maternity leave.

您可以在您的医院,留产院或养老院投你的票。You can cast your vote at your hospital, maternity home or rest home.

欧盟的一项产假新政策将在下个月生效。A new EU directive on maternity leave will come into force next month.

北京妇产医院男科泌尿外科主任医师马东认为。Beijing Maternity Hospital urology chief physician male horse East think.

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它也是牙医和产房使用的一种常见麻醉剂。It is also a common anaesthetic, used by dentists and in maternity wards.

女职工可享受产假,为期90天,工资照付。Working women in China are entitled to a paid maternity leave of 90 days.

弗兰格尔岛,也被称为北极熊的妇产科医院。The Wrangel Island, also known as a maternity hospital of the polar bears.