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韦斯顿先生是百里挑一的人。Mr Weston is such an excellent man.

我们必须开车到威斯顿去看。We'll hae to drive into Weston to see it.

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爱玛看出了韦斯顿先生是怎样领会这喜幸的前景的。Emma saw how Mr. Weston understood these joyous prospects.

像韦斯顿和列克星敦市的郊外房产最受人青睐。Wealthy suburbs like Weston and Lexington are top choices.

正如韦斯顿太太所说的,“年轻人都有点心血来潮。”As Mrs. Weston observed, 'all young people would have their little whims.

可是我想写信给马里兰州的威斯顿女士索取一些信息。But I like the idea of writing to Ms. Weston in Maryland for some information.

威斯顿如今却要求所有销售的利润均归投资者。Weston now demanded all profits from these sales go entirely to the investors.

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Weston陈述道他发现Lincoln在浴室清洗着他带有血迹的裤子。Weston states he found Lincoln in the bathroom washing a pair of bloody pants.

在Weston的报告里,他只说他看见Lincoln站在浴室里。In his report, Weston said that he said he saw Lincoln merely standing in the bathroom.

他们能为另修建一座连接河东和河西两岸的建桥工程想出个可蒙混过关的理由吗?Can they think of plausible reasons why an additional bridge should connect Easton and Weston?

当警察赶到时,警告Weston马上趴在地上,不然就电击制伏。When the police arrived, they told Weston that if he didn't get on ground they would tase him.

当威斯顿宣布投资者们已经更改了合同时,引起了更多的抱怨。Further complications occurred when Weston announced that the investors had changed the contract.

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退潮时一艘船坐落在沙滩上,在滨海韦斯顿重建的韦斯顿大码头附近,英格兰。A boat sits on the beach at low tide near the rebuilt Weston Grand Pier in Weston-super-Mare, England.

不过,他那封信写得好极了,棒极了,韦斯顿夫妇看了好生高兴。However, it was an exceeding good, pretty letter, and gave Mr. and Mrs. Weston a great deal of pleasure.

包括韦斯顿价格基金会在内的鲜奶支持者否定了鲜奶的危险性并对其优良风味大加赞赏。Raw milk proponents, including The Weston A. Price Foundation, deny its dangers and praise its superior flavor.

跟你说吧,去年还没到这个时候,我们已经从枫园到金斯韦斯顿痛痛快快游玩了一番。Before this time last year I assure you we had had a delightful exploring party from Maple Grove to Kings Weston.

她首先确认了Weston是在Steadman被杀的当晚,第一个出警到Lincoln公寓的警官。She confirms that Weston was the first officer to respond at Lincoln’s apartment on the night of Steadman’s murder.

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7月12日,2008世界沙雕节在英国韦斯顿海滩开幕,主题是"走遍全球"。The 2008 World Sand Sculpture Festival opened on Weston beach on July 12, with the theme of "travel around the world".

兜风的时候,韦斯顿太太温声细语地鼓励她,大大消除了她的局促不安,终于使她谈起了那个重大的话题。Weston had, by gentle encouragement, overcome so much of her embarrassment, as to bring her to converse on the important subject.

爱玛向韦顿太太表示她曾一度对邱吉尔有点好感,但这段机缘早已过去。Emma assured Mrs. Weston thAT she had AT one time felt some slight ATtachment to Churchill, but thAT thAT time was now safely past.