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不,不,我宁可不善交际而且沉默。No. No, I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn.

不擅社交的人几乎不适合做外交家。The unsociable person is hardly fit for a diplomat.

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这个孩子因为父母离婚而变得性格孤僻。This child became unsociable because his parent's got a divorce.

他低头盯着餐盘,一副冷淡不友好的样子。He stared down at his dinner plate in a morose and unsociable manner.

他性格孤傲,倜傥不群,是一个胸有大志的人。An ambitious person, he was aloof and arrogant, unconventional and unsociable.

一个网络上瘾的人往往是孤立的,以自我为中心,不与人亲近的。An internet-addicted person tends to be isolated, self-centered and unsociable.

上网成瘾的人总是会孤立的,不善于社交的,甚至是抑郁的。Those who are addicted to the Internet tend to be isolated, unsociable or even depressed.

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不知道是由于我太以自我为中心或是太孤僻,以致总是无法和我所认识的人成为坦诚相交的朋友。I wonder whether it is because I'm self-centered or because I'm unsociable that it is difficult for me to make friends with people I know.

窗子开着,当他走出去时,我听见凯蒂正问她那个不善交际的侍从,门上刻的是什么?The lattice was open, and, as he stepped out, I heard Cathy inquiring of her unsociable attendant, what was that inscription over the door?

人们可以删除或忽略电子邮件,而电话会议中你得听有些人喋喋不休说个没完,在这一个小时中你也往往没法去跟人结交。Emails can be deleted and ignored while a conference call puts one at the mercy of people gabbling away interminably at what is often an unsociable hour.

我们还进一步注意到,比起不善交际或孤寂独处的人来,在倾向于或注定要群居或交往的个人或团体当中,愚蠢要普遍得多。We observe further that folly is less common in the unsociable or the solitary than in individuals or groups who are inclined or condemned to sociability.

沉迷于网络的人经常觉得孤独,感到与外面的世界隔绝开来,变得越来越内向,自闭和不善于交际。Those who indulge in the Internet often feel isolated and being cut off from the outside world, gradually they tend to become introverted, withdrawn and unsociable.