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有些人边读书边作评注。Some people annotate as they read.

有些人边读书边作评注。Some people annotate as they read.

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用缙友情诠释生命中的真谛。Too annotate the essence of life with friendship.

本小节演示如何注释服务。This section shows you how to annotate your services.

用户还希望给电子书和其他文档加注。oUsers also want to annotate e-books and other documents.

修饰符的一种常见用法是注释静态方法。A common use for decorators is to annotate static methods.

捆绑式申明——在一次调用中添加新文本标注它。Bundled Annotations – add new text and annotate it in one call

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学生们兴奋于有第一手资料注解他们的课本。It thrills them to annotate their textbooks with first-hand information.

你也可以注释你代码以使ReSharper更好的分析你的代码。You can also annotate your code to make ReSharper analyze it even better.

给网页加评注并把勾画发送给其他用户也很容易。It's also very easy to annotate pages and send your mark ups to other users.

字段注入查找注释的所有字段并试图注入相应的依赖项。It finds any fields you annotate and tries to inject the appropriate dependency.

出现了评音乐赋,集音乐赋,注音乐赋的著作。At the same time , many works began to comment , collect and annotate the music Fu.

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公正竞技,拒绝作弊。用枪枝粉碎生活中的虚伪,用友情诠释生命中的真谛!To crush the sham of life with gun To annotate the essence of life with friendship!

你也可以用这支笔对现有的文档加标记或注释。Congratulation You can also use this pen to highlight or annotate existing documents.

注释类型参数,其中包括所有实例化都必须拥有的构造函数集。Annotate type parameters with a set of constructors that all instantiations must have.

我们的用户可以标贴项目、邀请他们的朋友、批注和评论媒体产品。Our users can tag items, invite their friends, annotate and comment on media products.

要实现回调,只需创建方法并适当地将其注释即可。To implement callbacks, you'll simply create the method and annotate it appropriately.

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现在,你可以像给Flickr图片添加注释那样给维基共享的图片添加注释了。Now you can annotate images from Wikimedia Commons in a fashion very similar to Flickr.

您还将了解如何对自己的注释进行注解,以及这样做的一些好处。You'll also find out how to annotate your own annotations and what you gain by doing so.

大多数的读者都是分层次做注释,会在第二遍或第三遍读的时候才增加注释的内容。Most readers annotate in layers, adding further annotations on second and third readings.