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帕斯奇是大的弗兰芒人。Patrasche was a big Fleming.

盘尼西林是亚历山大·弗来明发现的。Penicillin was discovered by Alexander Fleming.

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莱明在1928年偶然发现了青霉素。Fleming discovered penicillin by accident in 1928.

弗莱明在1928年偶然发现了青霉素。Fleming discovered penicillin by accident in 1928.

弗莱明是苏格兰生物学家,药学家。Fleming was a Scottish biologist and pharmacologist.

这是1889年的两极真空管,是原作。This is a Fleming diode from 1889, if it's original.

然而,弗莱明却是最早获得认可,而且还因此被封爵的那个人。But Fleming got the early credit, and the knighthood.

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可怜的老弗兰明被贬到会计部门工作。Poor old Fleming was kicked downstairs to a job-in accounts.

有人曾说在暗杀发生的前夜这两位人物都在读伊凡·弗莱明的小说007.Some even say that both men were reading books by Ian Fleming.

1928年的时候,弗莱明正在分析葡萄球菌的特性。By 1928, Fleming was investigating the properties of staphylococci.

亚历山大·富莱明博士从未打算发现青霉素这种药物。Dr. Alexander Fleming never set out to discover the drug penicillin.

救护车急速将她送到医院,沙琳在后面紧随。An ambulance raced Fleming to the hospital, with Strong close behind.

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对人类而言,幸运的是富莱明并没有保持一个干净的实验室。Fortunately for mankind, Fleming didn't keep a very clean laboratory.

伊恩·弗莱明在愚弄了一位仆人吼被驱逐出了伊顿。Ian Fleming was expelled from Eton after some hanky-panky with a maid.

正当沙琳在外面奋力施救的时候,凯特用手机拨打了911电话。Strong struggled outside the door, Fleming called 911 on her cell phone.

消防员跳进黑漆的水中救出了已经昏迷的凯特。A fireman jumped into the black water below to retrieve a comatose Fleming.

弗莱明说,这项工作星期三已经完成,北韩为这个设施制定了近期计划。Fleming says the North has disclosed plans for the facility in the near future.

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那佛兰德人,正象他自己在过了些时候说的,“傻得和畜生似的”楞住了。The Fleming remained "utterly stupid," as he himself said some time afterwards.

当富莱明回来的时候,他发现霉菌已经杀死了所有的细菌。When Fleming returned, he discovered that the mold had killed all the bacteria.

成员广播WWNO新闻的艾琳·弗莱明发回报道,雷·纳金正面临21项联邦指控。Eileen Fleming of member station WWNO reports Ray Nagin is now facing 21 federal charges.