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奶中脱水。Adulterate milk with water.

他丑恶心肠的私生野种!And bastards of his foul adulterate heart.

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不告知买主就对食物掺杂是犯罪。It is a crime to adulterate foods without informing the buyer.

被加到另一种物质上的物质,用来变更,稀释或掺杂它。A substance added to another substance to modify, dilute, or adulterate it.

为什么掺假的牛奶走俏,不掺假的鲜奶反而没人要?Why adulterated milk popular, do not adulterate the milk but nobody wanted?

他们一句话里头总是掺杂了英语单词或马来语词汇。They have to adulterate a Chinese sentence with words taken from English or Malay.

治疗因经血中混入纤溶酶而造成的经血为液态,从而引起的充血性经痛。Cure and regulate pain in menses caused by adulterate some kind of enzyme in blood.

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一句话里头总是掺杂了英语单词或马来语词汇。They have to adulterate a Chinese sentence with words taken from English and Malay.

全球化会使“特色”异化吗?保护和保存并非同一概念。" Will globalization adulterate the " character " ?Protection is by no means preservation.

他甚至诸如食品掺假和香料和所谓的救生药物。He can adulterate even such things as food-stuff and spices and what are called 'life-saving drugs'.

煤炭用户和煤炭销区的煤炭经营企业有权直接从煤矿企业购进煤炭。Coal mining enterprises and coal trading enterprises may not adulterate coal and sell inferior coal as quality coal.

最爱吃的菜是那小葱拌豆腐,一青二白清清白白做人不掺假。Most loves the vegetable which eats is that shallot mixes the bean curd, blue two white pure personhoods do not adulterate.

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从蜂胶的功效成分—黄酮类化合物着手,测定了真品蜂胶、杨树胶和搀假蜂胶的HPLC指纹图谱。The HPLC fingerprints of flavonoids in the authentic propolis, poplar tree's gum and adulterate propolis were determined in this paper.

然而,喜欢某个人和某样东西应该是单纯的,如果这份情感掺杂了其他的意图,它总有一天将会失去。However, It should be simple to like someone or something, if the feeling adulterate others purposes, it will be lost one of these days.

对“假酒案”的查询分析也说明甲醇燃料市场管理需要正确认识甲醇的毒性。The adulterate alcohol accidents illustrated that we need to understand the toxicity of methanol exactly in the management of the fuel market.

这些都转到了黑市上,在那里或以高价卖出、或用于掺杂柴油,而柴油价格是每升30卢布。It is diverted to the black market, where it is either sold at a higher price or used to adulterate diesel, which sells for about 30 rupees per litre.

它的屋顶可以伏到积攒雨水的作用并用于新的植被的浇灌,甚至有可能种植在屋顶花园或阳台上。Its roof can be acclimated to abduction rainwater that can again be used to adulterate new vegetation, conceivably even on a roof garden or balustrade.

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结论该方法操作简便、可行,可供鉴别掺伪红花时参考。Conclusion The method is simple and practicable, it is suitable to be used in Identification of Fins Carthami and adulterate Fins Carthami for reference.

针对掺假原料乳现有检测方法的不足,研究制备适用于掺假原料乳快速检测的免疫胶体金层析试纸条。Based on the disadvantages of current detection methods for adulterate raw milk, gold immunochromatographic strip applying to test adulterate raw milk was researched and prepared.

由于刘某始终坚持自己所生产的床垫是正规品牌,那么这些假冒名牌产品究竟是怎么做成的、采用了哪些材料呢?Because Liu Mou always insists he or she being a regular brand the manufacturing mattress, so these adulterate a name plate product actually is how make into, adopted which materials?