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邮戳为凭。Postmark serves as a proof.

所有的信件上都盖有阿伯丁郡的邮戳。All the letters bore an Aberdeen postmark.

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是一封挂号信,上面盖着的是一个遥远的地方的邮戳。A certified letter, with a faraway postmark.

这封信盖有一九八三年三月八日的邮戳。The letter bore a postmark of March 8, 1983.

他从邮戳推断他住在什么哪里?From the postmark he inferred where she lived.

他拿了一个盖着爱尔兰邮戳的旧信封。He took a used envelope bearing an Irish postmark.

邮戳是印于邮票上的官方戳记。Postmark is an official mark printed over a postage stamp.

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我从邮戳上看出这张明信片是从她度假的地方寄来的。I see from the postmark that this card was posted from her holiday address.

我从邮戳上看出,这张明信片是从玛丽度假所住的地方邮来的。I see from the postmark that this card was posted from Mary's holiday address.

那些写有回信地址的信件通常会收到盖有北极镇邮戳的回信。Those that do have return addresses usually get a reply and a North Pole postmark.

我从邮戳上看出这张明信片是从玛丽度假的地方寄出的。I see from the postmark that this postcard was mailed from Mary 's holiday address.

它看起来让人震惊因为羚羊通常都是被黑色的邮戳盖住的。It looked startled as antelopes often do caught in the sights of the black postmark.

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邮戳显示已经处理这封信了,所以一定是最近才被放回来的。A postmark shows it has already been through, so it must have been put back again only recently.

我将寄给大约100个人。今天很特殊,盖了邮戳的信封会更有价值的多。I will post to nearly 100 people. Today is special, with a postmark that will become even more valuable.

注册比邮戳能提供更多的法律保护。Copyright Office to sue and that registration provides more legal protections than a postmark ever could.

如果申请文件是邮寄的,以寄出的邮戳日为申请日。If the app1ication is sent by mail, the date of mailing indicated by the postmark shall be the date of filing.

每封寄往圣诞邮局的信件都被手工加盖一个特殊的北极圈邮戳。Every item mailed at the Santa Claus' Main Post Office is postmarked by hand with a special Arctic Circle postmark.

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采用金、银、铜、铁制作的牌符来区分文书的重要程度。Golden, silver, copper and iron postmark signs were used to indicate the different degrees of importance of each transported document.

那里是圣诞主题商店圣诞老人之家的所在地,父母们可以在这家店定制由圣诞老人寄出、盖有北极镇邮戳的信件。That's the home of the Santa Claus House, a Christmas-themed shop where parents can order letters from Santa with a North Pole postmark.

那里是圣诞主题商店圣诞老人之家的所在地,父母们可以在这家店定制由圣诞老人寄出、盖有北极镇邮戳的信件。That's the home of the Santa Claus House, a Christmas-themed shop where parents can order letters from Santa with a North Pole postmark.