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他拒绝的是一张浑浊的尘网。He refused a raspy dust nets.

侏儒感到喉咙又干又涩。The dwarf's throat felt dry and raspy.

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“我不!”一个刺耳的男性声音辩护道。I won't! " a raspy male voice asserted."

我的声音很刺耳,因为我感冒了。My voice is raspy because I have a cold.

一声刺耳的女人的喊声从我们背后传来。a raspy female voice hollers from behind us.

这听起来应该像黑色金属的刺耳声音。It should sound something like a black metal raspy voice.

“哟,”酒吧侍者磁性的声音叫道,“你想要什么?"Yo, " the bartender's raspy voice called, "you want something?

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他们可能是有他们的呼叫吵杂的鸟发声的粗糙和刺耳的。They can be noisy birds with their calls sounding harsh and raspy.

Freddie的嗓音是如此锐利而清澈,而Roger的嗓音则十分粗犷。Where Freddie's voice is so sharp and clear, Roger's is very raspy.

这就是为什么泡在水池里会让头发变得那样粗糙与干枯的原因。This is why soaking in the pool gives your hair that raspy dry feel.

她以高调刺耳的声音让人们一下子记住了蓝妹妹。She gave her character a very recognizable high-pitched yet raspy voice.

“我们很少在此聚会”古尔丹用他刺耳的声音说道“作为部落中的最强者。"We few gathered here, " began Gul'dan in his raspy voice, "are the mightiest of our clans.

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我们一起呆了一会儿,妈妈和我,不时袭来夜间的小声响和蟋蟀刺耳的唧唧声。We stayed together for some time, my mother and I, invaded by small night sounds and the raspy chirr of crickets.

好,那我们谈一下你的演唱风格吧。因为它是那样独特和有磁性。你总是拥有那样磁性的嗓音吗?。Well, let's talk about that voice, because it is so unique and raspy . Have you always had that raspy singing voice?

他们坐著时,一位身著绿色手术服的男子,在各个房间忙进忙出,不时以刺耳的声音对著手机咆哮。As they sit, a man in a green surgical suit rushes from room to room, often yelling in a raspy voice on his mobile phone.

对讲机传来刺耳的声音,此时门被打开,眼前出现一条黑漆漆的楼梯。"Come in, come in! " the raspy voice called through the intercom as the door opened. A dark staircase loomed in front of them.

狗狗通常恢复的很快,兽医说,并且同时它们仍然可以发出声音,只是声音变得压抑和沙哑了。Dogs generally recover quickly, veterinarians say, and while they usually can still make sounds, their barks become muffled and raspy.

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这里是世界第一高峰,二人的四周尽是尖锐的岩石、结冰的岩壁及大雪原等一派严酷的景象。Here ashore the worlds tallest mountain, air jordan pas cher, a raspy landscape1 of keen rocks, ice wall, abercrombie and fitch france, and snowfields surrounded them.

作为搜寻队伍的队长,迈克尔•普塞尔既是队员,又是整个队伍的主心骨,他声音粗犷,笑声爽朗,喜欢开玩笑,但他对里莫斯型潜艇的熟悉程度不亚于任何人。As expedition leader, Michael Purcell was equal parts colleague and boss, with a raspy voice and a sonic laugh and a playful sarcasm, but he knew the Remus subs as well as anyone.

她曾经的高贵形象也被其疯狂行为和古怪的公开亮相彻底击碎,她从前的纯净嗓音也变得沙哑,刺耳,无法唱出曾经的高音。Her once serene image was shattered by a wild demeanor and bizarre public appearances, and her once pristine voice became raspy and hoarse, unable to hit the high notes as she used to.