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我很同情费雷迪。I pity Freddie.

最大的就是房利美和房贷美。The biggest are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

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弗烈特绷着脸愠怒地瞪着他弟弟。Freddie stared sullenly at his younger brother.

由于巧合,我已经跟弗莱迪合作过了。By coincidence, I'd already worked with Freddie.

房利美和房地美有印钱的许可证。Fannie and Freddie had a license to print money.

突然,乐队主唱弗雷迪•墨丘利对他说And suddenly, Freddie Mercury was speaking to him

这些贷款是得到房利美和房地美担保的。These are loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

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弗雷迪.丹尼尔斯认为那是喀麦隆最好的演讲之一。Freddie Daniells considers it one of Cameron's finest.

星期五弗雷迪为五个奇怪的朋友炸法国式土豆丝。Freddie fried French fries for five funny friends on Friday.

最终,弗莱迪迁往不征收个人所得税的摩纳哥。Eventually, Freddie moved to Monaco, which has no income tax.

范尼梅和雷德马克已经得到政府的救助了。Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were bailed out by the government.

房利美和房地美占据了美国抵押贷款的半壁江山。Fannie and Freddie account for half of all mortgages in the US.

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“两房”想咸鱼翻身的机会已经没有了。The opportunity for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to recover has gone.

想想房利美和房地美吧,这些银行都太大而不能倒闭。Think of Freddie and Fannie, andthe banks that are too big to fail.

弗雷迪·永贝里希望队友能在新赛季中鼓足干劲,更加专注地打好比赛。Freddie Ljungberg wants his side to "get stuck in" more this season.

房地美和房利美,这两家公司的职能是什么?Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac what did they do and what role did they play?

房地美正开始为莫菲特寻找一位长期的继任者。Freddie is beginning its search for a long-term successor for Mr. Moffett.

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我还会见了当地卫理公会的牧师维克.尼克松以及他的妻子弗莱蒂。I also met the local Methodist minister, Vic Nixon, and his wife, Freddie.

结束房利美和房地美的业务,取消预算外的资金投入。Off-budget financing should be ended by closing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

弗莱迪进入哈佛深造,在耶鲁戏剧学院学习剧本写作。Freddie went to Harvard and studied playwriting at the Yale School of Drama.