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他拒绝非物质的事物。So, he denied immaterial substance.

灵魂是一种非物质的物体。The soul is an immaterial substance.

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沾染上有毒物质的状态。The state or quality of being immaterial.

我是一个非物质的无形化身。I am an immaterial impalpable incarnation.

没有象那样的非物质物体。There are no immaterial objects like that.

没有这样的非物质实体存在There are no immaterial objects like that.

人是有灵魂的,一种超越肉体非物质的东西A person has a soul, something immaterial and not a body.

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有没有很好的理由再加上,灵魂之类的非物质实体Is there a good reason to add the soul, something immaterial?

有没有很好的理由再加上,灵魂之类的非物质实体Is there a good reason to add the soul, something immaterial?"

他俩昏昏沉沉地承受着这种非物质的快感的无限重压。Both bore languidly the indefinable burden of immaterial pleasures.

我们会找到,其他的某种非物质理论We'll begin to work out some sort of alternative immaterial theory.

我压根就对,非物质的东西如何运作没什么概念I know very little about how immaterial objects are supposed to work.

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关于非物质的物体是如何工作的我知道的很少。I know very little about how immaterial objects are supposed to work.

贝林戈是一款安全性能高的车,这一点也非常重要。The fact that the Berlingo is a safe car is hardly immaterial either.

光说你没偷东西是没用的,除非你能证明才行。Just saying you did not steal it is immaterial unless you can prove it.

必定存在某些额外的东西,某些非物质,比如灵魂There must be something extra, something immaterial about us, the soul.

舟山渔歌是人类非物质文化的宝贵遗产。Zhoushan fishing songs are immaterial cultural wonders for human beings.

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当然,在美国,大多数人,相信一些无形的灵魂。Certainly most people in America believe in some sort of immaterial soul.

还需要借助某些,非物质的,高于并超于物质的东西,来对生命进行解释Life requires something immaterial above and beyond matter to explain it.

基督徒蒙召为的是将他拥有的有形财富变成无形的。The Christians is called upon to make his material possessions immaterial.