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“厌女症”患者指的是讨厌、不喜欢、不信任、或者虐待女性的人。Misogyny is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls.

巫术的艺术史常常是歧视女性的。The one constant throughout the history of the art of witchcraft is misogyny.

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对于其中的女性形象,则有一些评论者通过研究认为厄普代克是一个“厌女症”作家。For the female images, there was a number of commentators felt that Updike was a "misogyny" writer.

但是女性对这些心理元素有所抗拒,并把它们看作是对女性的某种贬低。But women react to these psychological elements and understandably and accurately see them as a kind of misogyny.

从西方到东方,从各个民族的社会与文化都可以发现普遍存在的一种厌女情结。From the west to the east, there is a ubiquitous phenomenon of misogyny existing in different societies and culture.

一项关于厌恶女人的控诉的抗辩是基于这样一种信念——女人的蔽体衣物意味着她们更加尊贵。The typical defense to a charge of misogyny within the faith is that the covering of women means that they are more valued.

我还要提醒你们小说里的厌女症部分,一部分的厌女症是和这种消耗性的气质相关联的。And I want to suggest to you that part of the misogyny of the novel part of that misogyny is connected to this consumptive ethos.

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我还要提醒你们小说里的厌女症部分,一部分的厌女症是和这种消耗性的气质相关联的。And I want to suggest to you that part of the misogyny of the novel part of that misogyny is connected to this consumptive ethos.

因此,让模特儿穿半裸服饰表演或摆出显得很束缚的姿势,设计师们的这种创作习惯会不会暴露了业内厌恨女性的因素?So should the habit of showing female models part-naked ,or in poses suggesting bondage, betray an element of misogyny in the industry?

厌女心理除了表现在男性主导的社会、文化各个层面中,也反映在男性的文学作品裡。Man's misogyny is displayed everywhere from man's leading societies to different cultural aspects, and also, in literature of male writers.

“厌女症”是指文学中歪曲、贬低女性的形象,把一切罪过都推到女性头上的情绪或主题。" Misogyny " means the sentiment or the topic of distorting and belittling the female's image, pushing all faults to the female in literature.

不幸的家庭生活经历、西方男权中心文化传统以及西方文学实践中的“厌女现象”是导致他患上“厌女症”的原因。His unhappy family life, male-dominated western culture and misogynistic practice of western literature contributed to the shaping of his misogyny.

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本土主义、排外主义、种族主义、恐伊斯兰症和厌女症都在增加。如果不宽容的声音占上风,这个世界恐怕要进入一段黑暗时期。Nativism, xenophobia, racism, Islamophobia and misogyny are all on the rise. If the voices of intolerance prevail, the world risks entering a dark era.

但是,当我们经常评估对方是否能够加入我们的组织、党派或成为我们的朋友时,我们给性别歧视提供了一个说法。Yet when we regularly evaluate one another's fitness to join our organizations, attend our parties and become our friends, we give misogyny a vocabulary.

虽然共和党人——和投票者们——终究对他关于女性的态度睁一只眼闭一只眼,但是,许多美国人依旧担心特朗普任职预示着一个崭新的性别歧视以及厌女癖的时代的来临。Yet Republicans—and voters—eventually looked past his attitude towards women. Many Americans, however, remain worried that a Trump presidency heraldsa new age of sexism and misogyny.

他认为,俾斯麦对女性的厌恶源于童年经历,他幼年时发觉自己夹在父母中间,他不喜欢冷静聪慧、雄心勃勃的母亲,而他的父亲个性善良懦弱。He argues that Bismarck’s misogyny stemmed from his childhood when he found himself in a triangle between his cold, intelligent and ambitious mother, whom he disliked, and his weak, kindly father.