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这个威尔士语的地名可译成“兰兹角”。The Welsh names as 'Land's End'.

威尔士语是威尔士地区使用的母语。Welsh is spoken natively in Wales.

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他说话带有很浓的威尔士口音。He speaks with a strong Welsh accent.

她讲话的声音柔和而抑扬顿挫,有些威尔士口音。Her voice had a soft Welsh lilt to it.

威尔士人也会因此而感到自豪。And the Welsh are very proud of being Welsh

我有个舍友是威尔士的女孩子叫安娜。One of flatmate is a welsh girl called anna.

电台和电视节目都是用威尔士语。Programmes on the radio and TV are in Welsh.

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约翰是苏格兰人,我们其余的是威尔士人。John’s Scottish and the rest of us are Welsh.

也因为此,他对这个威尔士的首都充满感情。For all that, he remains fond of the Welsh capital.

查尔斯于1975年开始担任威尔士禁卫军陆军上校。He has been Colonel of the Welsh Guards since 1975.

戒指很可能是由一块珍贵的威尔士金打造而成。The ring will likely be made from a nugget of Welsh gold.

他要的是会说威尔士语的演员。明摆着,我是没指望了。He wants actors who can speak Welsh. Obviously I've had it.

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其实威尔士人和爱尔兰人,那些受自己文化熏陶很深的人,But the Welsh and Irish, who very much got their own culture,

谢谢。我希望您能告诉我怎么去威而希公司。I was hoping you could tell me how to get to the Welsh Company.

威尔士人全部是优秀的歌手,并且一直吃韭。The Welsh are all excellent singers, and eat leeks all the time.

约从1880年后,威尔士煤矿的开采活动开始减少。The activities of Welsh mines went into decline after about 1880.

用威尔士当地赤心橡木制的图书馆的接待台。The library has a locally sourced Welsh Heartwood reception desk.

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不过威尔士在英国国会中也可以派代表参与了。But Welsh in the British Parliament can also be represented in his.

蒜头、大葱、姜片下油镬走油,或略为爆香亦可。Deep fry garlic, welsh onion and ginger or stir fry until aromatic.

他们永远不会想到威尔士语电视台,或者增值税,还有曼彻斯特。They'd never have thought up Welsh language television, for example.