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但这肯定是可能的。But it is most assuredly possible.

莫非老将军在许昌有事否?Assuredly the old General is in trouble at the capital.

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初见面,我真被他的外表给吓到了。In the first meeting, I was assuredly scared for his appearance.

曾以为人都是钱的奴仆,原来这却是个爱的世界。Ever look on everyone as slave of money's, however, it is a world filled with love assuredly.

所以,如果王子不幸落到他们手里,管保他们不会杀死他的。Therefore, if the Prince by misfortune fell into their hands, they would assuredly not kill him.

他的葡萄酒价格合理,最稳妥地窖,值得,但我不'吨看到他们非常频繁。His wines are reasonably priced and most assuredly cellar-worthy, but I don't see them very often.

还有些事情我们深知是美好的,诸如上帝的圣洁、仁爱的性情,我们都可借着求告耶稣而获得。Some things are assuredly good, and these we may have for the asking through Jesus Christ our LORD.

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我必欢喜施恩与他们,要尽心尽意,诚诚实实将他们栽于此地。I will rejoice in doing them good and will assuredly plant them in this land with all my heart and soul.

展望未来,恒康人充满信心,必将以更为杰出的成果回报广大客户。Prospecting the future, Hekon Wealth will be assuredly to make greater achievements to benefit the customers.

中国经济将继续会跳跃式增长,这应该是确定无疑的。The question isn't whether China's economy will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. It most assuredly will.

汽车制造厂商的竞争领域决不仅限于车引擎、汽车底盘和电子器件等方面。The sphere of competition of car manufactures and firms assuredly is not confined to engines, chassis, and electronics.

沙漠区域会很干旱,而茂密的森林地带则会持续不断地下雨。Desert areas will be dry and baron, There will also be lush forest areas that will assuredly have rain almost constantly.

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这肯定是一项艰巨的任务,为了达到此种收益几乎必须在你的投资组合中经受一次到两次大的打击。It is a daunting task for sure. To deliver those returns it almost assuredly requires a huge hit or two in your portfolio.

如果让我放弃肉馅饼和鱼子酱,我会出现严重的脱瘾症状,我确定无疑会死掉。If I had to give up my fresh pate and my caviar, I would suffer such bad withdrawal symptoms that I would most assuredly die.

为此,负责任的媒体就需要把公平、客观的新闻报道迅速、准确地传送到需要者那里。To that end, I think impartial reporting produced by responsible media must be delivered quickly and assuredly to those who need it.

我必欢喜施恩与他们,要尽心尽意,诚诚实实将他们栽于此地。Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul.

她那诚起的老父也许还没有看出这些征兆,但无疑地,这些征兆并没有逃过这个赢得她芳心的小伙子的那双眼睛。Her honest father may not have observed these symptoms, but they were assuredly not thrown away upon the man who had won her affections.

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另一方面,有些人讲话清楚明了,他们昂首挺胸,回答问题时很有说服力,我们很容易被这些人所说服。On the other hand, people might be persuaded by someone who speaks clearly, who holds his or her head high, and who answers questions assuredly.

当然,TripAdvisor肯定对企业名录业务带来的影响进行过量化分析,并坚信现有广告项目不会因此受到太多的负面影响。TripAdvisor assuredly has run the numbers and certainly believes that Business Listings won’t be overly dilutive to its existing advertising programs.

因此,虽然未來歷史学家可能会将这些年头称为一场「进化」,我们自己一天天身临其境,肯定会有「革命」的感觉。Thus, while historians might describe these years as an evolution, for those of us living it day-by-day it most assuredly has the feel of a revolution.