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音乐性正是造成诗与散文功能性差别的重要因素。Musicality is one of the factors inducing the difference.

菲律宾人天生的温暖和音乐性给他留下印象。The Filipinos ' innate warmth and musicality impressed him.

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我恰好是个喜欢音乐的人,而且写作散文往往与乐感有关系。I happen to be a musical person, and writing prose always has to do with musicality.

这会变成你音乐能力的一部份,而不只是你视觉强记而已。It will become part of your musicality instead of part of your learned visual memory.

他的乐感总是自然而发,因此早期就受人喜爱。Musicality always comes off as spontaneity, and he was loved, early on, for that quality.

多样的音乐性和个性与你本身的才华相结合,让我觉得这样的工作非常有趣。Your talents combined with lots of musicality and personality made the game so fun for me.

特别是经过三一律对时间的严格控制,戏剧越发丢失了其时间性。Especially under the rigid confinement of the three unities, time has lost its anima, fluidity and musicality.

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另外,象征主义所提倡的“象征”和“音乐性”的艺术手段也深受现代主义者青睐。Besides, the artistic devices such as symbol and musicality advocated by Symbolism are also accepted by Modernists.

刘芳非常的音乐表现力和精妙手指的技巧是不言尔喻的。Much has already been said about Liu Fang's sublime musicality and the exquisite nimbleness of her masterful fingers.

唢呐不同流派的音乐风格向“音乐性精神”的“正向迁移”,应成为一种自觉的唢呐音乐艺术发展取向。The spirit of musicality is propitious to define the artistic aesthetics and value of different music style of Suona.

艾米莉•狄金森诗歌鲜明的音乐性众所周知,但一百多年来乏人研究。For 100 years, the striking musicality of Emily Dickinson's poetry has been widely acknowledged, but scarcely studied.

在对此进行了全面论述之后,论文接着阐述了坡对诗歌音乐性的提倡对法国象征主义的重要影响。After that, the thesis sets out to expound Poe's emphasis on musicality in poetry and its influence on French Symbolism.

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“母性语言”般的“旋律”能消除习得者的学习焦虑感。Music and musicality of speech which possess the features of "Motherese" are capable of eliminating the learner's anxiety.

没有了音乐感,艺术鉴别力会死去-梅纽因的陈述阐明了一个演奏者乐感的重要性。Virtuosity dies without musicianship – this statement by Yehudi Menuhin illustrates the importance of a performance's musicality.

其高超的艺术性、艺术鉴别力、优雅的乐感和对作品的真挚阐述,秦立巍的表演极富吸引力。Li-Wei drew the audience in with his artistry, his brilliant virtuosity and his very refined musicality and sincerity of interpretation.

你能检测你孩子的音乐基因,或是否你有快乐基因这一想法是十分错误的,她补充道。The idea that you can test for a musicality gene in your child, or whether or not you have an optimism gene "is just plain wrong, " she adds.

他丰富的作品关于美酒、女人以及自然美景的如童话般美妙并押韵的描述是其他诗人都无法企及的。His rich work, celebrating wine, women, and the beauty of nature, is characterized by a fairy-tale beauty and musicality unattained by other poets.

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笔者希望以此方法为本土音感的训练开辟一条新途径,从浩瀚的民歌曲库中,拟出一条新线索。It is hoped that this method exploits a new approach for native musicality training, and concludes a new clue from the immense library of folk songs.

第三章从一般修辞手法和心理语言的音乐性指出其心理语言的内在特征。Chapter Three is to discuss the inner character of the mental language from the perspective of general rhetoric devices and musicality of the language.

戏剧语言的特殊性决定了其自身的特点,例如口语化、简洁、音乐性、个性化、动作化等。This peculiarity of drama language decides that it has its own features, such as intelligibility, brevity, characterization, actability and musicality.