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这将使这个检查可以检查所有可能遇到的问题。This makes this single check a catchall for all the problems you might run into.

一个可作为混杂排列的计算机附件的统称词。A word that serves as a catchall for a bewildering array of computer accessories.

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这个机关必须与政治脱离关系,不应该成为一个由助选功臣任职的政府机关。This bureau must be divorced from politics, and not a catchall for political hacks.

本章是在以前的章节统称为所有打开的项目进行了不。This chapter is a catchall for all open items that were not performed in previous chapters.

因为这是一个包涵了多种能源短语,任何定义来概括。Since it is a catchall phrase for a variety of energy sources, any definition has to be broad.

但是,尽管它已经成为一个笼统的词,它仍然带有不可否认的历史涵义。But though it has become a catchall term, it still carries undeniable historical baggage. Perhaps Ms.

曾几何时,“仙灵”大可涵盖各种形形色色的生物,但如今它已染上过多的联想色彩。Once upon a time, fairy was a perfectly acceptable catchall for a variety of creatures, but now it has taken on too many associations.

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所以你要帮他一个忙,利用他那个一把抓的问题‘请你自我介绍一下’来告诉他为什么这个工作跟你是绝配。"So make it easy for him or her. Answer that catchall request, 'Tell me about yourself", by talking about why you're a great fit for this job.

绿色建筑的修订后的标准增加了所谓的创新点,为设计概念,包罗万象的类别,达到超出清单。LEED's revised standards have added so-called innovation points, a catchall category for design concepts that go above and beyond the checklist.

但是符号并不适合王小峰,他不喜欢任何主义或者运动,拒绝加入任何团体或者党派。But labels don't really fit Wang. He doesn't like isms and movements and refuses to join groups or parties. He doesn't have some big, catchall solution.

人们应该注意到,今年互联网、电信以及网络革命的发展速度将开始缓慢下来,这完全出于为它们呐喊助威之人的意料之外。This year, it's a catchall reminder that the Internet, telecom, and networking revolutions will be slower to emerge than their cheerleaders first thought.