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它的广告做得极为成功。Its advertising is devastatingly successful.

首先,成瘾症极度难以治疗,而且极度容易复发。Well, first, addiction is exceedingly difficult to treat and devastatingly subject to relapse.

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埃利斯斯塔福德,双冠军,在上一轮是对极,并期待毁灭性快速。Ellis Stafford, double- winner at the previous round was on pole and looked devastatingly quick.

不过以目前而言,这就是一部很给力的漫画佳作而已,主角是一名随身携带斧头的警察,名字我忘了。But as it is, it’s merely a devastatingly brilliant comic about a cop with an axe whose name I forget.

其它婚姻文化衰退的标志还包括无处不在的未婚同居,以及毁灭性的高离婚率。Other indicators are widespread non-marital sexual cohabitation and a devastatingly high rate of divorce.

如果萨哈人们在此治疗上有很好的效果,那为什么麻风病人在当地普遍很受歧视?If the Sakha people had had such an effective cure at their disposal, why was leprosy so devastatingly prevalent in the region?

短期而言,地方政府被经济问题拖了后腿导致的支出削减,使极高的失业率看不到尽头。In the short run, those state and local cutbacks are a major drag on the economy, perpetuating devastatingly high unemployment.

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美国无力阻止俄罗斯攻击它的小邻居,这一点上周在格鲁吉亚已经暴露无遗。America's inability to stop or deter Russia from attacking its smaller neighbours hasbeen devastatingly obvious in Georgiaover the past week.

我希望我的职业生涯在明年将会取得极大地成功,我希望大家可以永远支持我、拥护我。I hope my professional career will be devastatingly successful in the coming year. I hope all you guys could support and advocate me for everlasting.

但是切尔西令人难忘的表现,在头45分钟里如此漂亮的展现出来,弗兰克·兰帕德敢说,“这是我们踢得最漂亮的一场”。But Chelsea were devastatingly impressive, performing so well in the opening 45 minutes that Frank Lampard dared suggest was the 'best football we can play'.

最近的民调显示这几个星期现任总统的日子非常难熬,除了要处理医保改革,还要想法设法结束一场毁灭性的经济衰退。Recent polls illustrate how difficult recent weeks have been for a president who, besides tackling health care, has been battling to end a devastatingly deep recession.

通过描绘一个连扫街的工作都成为奢求的饥馑中国,李女士很好地将自己的悲悯倾注在小说残酷绝望中。Describing a starving China where even street-sweeping jobs are coveted, Ms. Li does a wrenchingly good job of putting pathos on the page in a book that can be devastatingly brutal.

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我同样好奇是否你曾考虑过我们——孩子和妻子,作为血肉之躯、作为有情有义、作为也会受伤——灾难般的伤痛的人们。I wondered if you ever thought about us, the children and the wife, that we are made of flesh and blood, that we have feelings, that we could get hurt, very hurt, devastatingly hurt.

同样紧张的手中之争再次出现,在公元纪年初期,当一些犹太人,与其他民族分离,区别他们自己,创立自已作为基督徒的身份,觉得很有必须破坏性的责骂性暴力的,言辞来对抗他们的犹太同胞们。This same dynamic of intense sibling rivalry appears again in the first few centuries of the Common Era, when some Jews separated from others and in differentiating themselves and creating their own identity as Christians, felt it necessary to engage in devastatingly vituperative and violent rhetoric against their fellow Jews.