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对的,第九交响乐Okay. So Ninth Symphony.

我住在九楼。I live on the ninth floor.

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第九交响乐,是一八二三年到一八二四年完成的Ninth Symphony is 1823-1824.

第九个男孩是天津人。The ninth boy is from Tianjin.

我的地址是第九大街962号吗?Is my address 962 Ninth Avenue?

我的地址是第九大街942号吗?Is my address 942 Ninth Avenue ?

布莱克先生在九楼上班。Mr. Black works on the ninth floor.

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也能提高第九分音They can bring up the ninth partial.

重九节是耆老的节日,怎么说?Double Ninth Festival is for the old.

我是字母表里第九个。I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

第八约哈难,第九以利萨巴。Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth.

头颅高过第九重天庭。My head would be high as the ninth heaven.

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第九位姑娘嫁给龙神欧罗。The ninth married to the dragon god Ouluo.

您的房间号码是九楼的912室。Your room number is 912 on the ninth floor.

九月初九这天,天公作美,阳光和煦。The ninth September day, the weather, sunny.

昨天是世界杯赛的第九天。Yesterday was the ninth day of the World Cup.

1919年他在艾曼诺比赛中取得了第九名。In 1919 he finished ninth at the Targa Florio.

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真的?今天可是九九节啊!Really? But today is the Double Ninth Festival!

她住在这栋公寓的九楼。She lives in this apartment on the ninth floor.

市长让人起草了第九个五年计划。The mayor had the Ninth Five-Year Plan drafted.