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是我太肮脏了?还是我太过轻浮?Am I too dirty?Am I too flirty ?

另外,腰部有荷叶边的连衣裙看上去既有女人味又性感。Besides, peplum dresses look flirty and sexy as well.

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再穿一件风情万种的衬衫,搭配开襟羊毛衫,就是超级有型的周末装了。Add a flirty blouse and cardigan for a super chic weekend look.

“没关系的!你可以随时用飞盘撞我。”以一种调戏的口吻说。Not a promblem! You can bump into me anytime, " in a flirty way."

惠琳听着听着,不知不觉流露出小燕那种情意绵绵的眼神。HuiLin listened, unconsciously reveal xiaoyan the flirty look in the eyes.

几个月后,在杰瑞米·雷纳的生日派对上,两人动作表现暧昧。Just a few months later, they seemed flirty at Jeremy Renner's birthday party.

迷你短裙是娇媚的牛仔布或有精致激光雕刻绒面皮。Mini-skirts are ruffled and flirty in denim or suede with laser-cut detailing.

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别让你风流的天性开出一张你的本性不愿兑现的支票。Don't let your flirty nature write a check that you real sef doesn't want to cash.

我猜杰克正如他所言,确实有些调情的短信,而且维也纳知道。I suspect Jake does have some flirty text messages, just as he says, and Vienna knows it.

在这一阶段kino应该是有趣且打情骂俏的。Kino should be fun and flirty during this stage – anythingdominant and push-pull is great.

与相机方向有目光接触并带有调情的眼神,通常会带来更多响应者。Women had higher response-rates when they made eye-contact with the camera and looked flirty.

我给科林发了条短信来挑逗他,说待会儿我们一见面就可以如何如何享受人间极乐。I send Colin a flirty text hinting at the fun we'll be able to enjoy when we see each other later.

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褶皱的超短裙对米来赛鲁斯的粉丝们来说还凑活,但穿去公司实在是太挑逗了..Micro minis with ruffles might be O.K. for Miley Cyrus fans, but they are way too flirty for the office

还记得为Soprano家的餐厅喷漆,却与卡梅拉调情的bohunk?Remember the bohunk who painted the Sopranos' dining room and wound up getting all flirty with Carmela?

褶皱的超短裙对米来赛鲁斯的粉丝们来说还凑活,但穿去公司实在是太挑逗了…Micro minis with ruffles might be O. K. for Miley Cyrus fans, but they are way too flirty for the office.

记得下班后就不要继续穿着正经的职业装了,换成休闲款的裙子吧。And definitely change clothes after work into a flirty skirt instead of staying in that power business suit.

再回来找我。我说要50年代的裙下摆时“,我意思是像轻浮的玛丽莲一样,不太长慵懒卷卷的裙边。Then get back to me. When I said "'50s hemline, " I meant like flirty marilyn, not long, dowdy poodle skirt.

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悦提供了一个城市的女人爱新鲜的,轻浮的设计与现代自旋完美别致的上衣数组。Wyatt delivers an array of urban chic tops perfect for the woman who loves fresh, flirty designs with a modern spin.

我像在学校里一样按几下喇叭然后色迷迷地喊了一声,通常大学女生们都会笑着回应一下。I honked at them and yelled suggestively as I do at college, which usually gets a fun flirty reaction from college girls.

如果你喜欢妩媚的风格的话,现在最流行的发饰潮流会令你大为心动。The newest hair accessories trends will definitely sweep you off your feet especially if you're fond of flirty styling ideas.