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来自瑞士,夹有杏仁牛轧和蜂蜜的瑞士牛奶巧克力。TOBLERONE, of Switzerland. Swiss milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat.

我们唱圣诞颂歌,吃里面有雪白牛轧糖的甜品。We sang Christmas carols and ate sweets with nougat centres as white as snow.

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我们是专门生产糕饼、饼乾、牛轧糖、西点、蛋糕和面包的食品。We are a leading supplier of confectionery, cookies, nougat , pastries, cakes, bread.

又一种品味独特的美味,里面有草莓、榛子和牛轧糖。Another taste sensation featuring tastings of strawberry, ferrrao, hazelnut and nougat.

本发明属于食品领域,具体涉及牛轧糖及其制备方法。The invention belongs to the food field and in particular relates to nougat and a preparation method thereof.

糖果能源“糖机中剩下的牛轧糖块干什么去了?”对此疑惑不解的上班族以后再也不用费心思了。Sweet Energy Office workers wondering what happens to the uneaten nougat bars in sweet machines need worry no longer.

淡金色中略带绿色,散发着坚果、甜瓜、柑桔类和奶油杏仁糖的味道。A pale gold in colour with hints of green, Lifted stone fruit, melon and citrus aromas are complexed with subtle hints of white nougat.

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它独一无二地将蜂蜜、奶油、杏仁跟牛奶巧克力融为一体,拥有独特的“峰峦迭起”的三角造型。This is a one-of-a-kind mixture of milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat and has a unique triangular shape with its special peaks.

初时有蜜瓜和桃子香味,接着还闻到特别的法国香草橡木味,口感圆润。Up front there are lovely peach and melon flavours whilst the palate fills out with distinctive nougat and vanillin French oak noses. The mouthfeel is round and creamy.

通过使用稀释的废牛轧糖和饴糖,他们的研究成果揭示出一种环保的清洁能源生产方法,这种清洁能源据信会用于未来。Using diluted nougat and caramel waste, their findings reveal an environmentally-friendly method of producing what is believed to be the clean energy source of the future.