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不要恣情暴饮。Don't riot in drink.

我向他宣读了“取缔闹事法”。I read him the riot act.

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今晚真是狂欢夜!What a riot tonight was!

昨晚爆发了一场暴乱。A riot irrupted last night.

防暴警察用警棍打聚众闹事者。The riot police batoned the mob.

有人向防暴警察投掷石块。Some threw stones at riot police.

骚乱很快就被压下去了。The riot was quickly slapped down.

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有些田地里出现了草荒。The weeds run riot in some fields.

这次暴动正是为了报仇雪恨。This riot was designed to revenge.

一个问题萦回在我的脑海中。A riot of questions filled my mind.

百花争艳。Flowers blossom in a riot of colour.

防暴警察驱散了人群。The riot police dispersed the crowd.

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有些学生热衷于激烈的辩论。Some students riot in fierce argument.

在那次暴乱后一切又归于正常了。Everything buckled down after the riot.

这些花花公子整天沉湎于花天酒地的放荡生活。These playboys riot in dissipated living.

犯人们继续在一般牢房区内骚动。Inmates continue to riot in the cell block.

暴乱中,警察挥舞着警棍对人群发起冲击。Police in riot gear baton-charged the crowd.

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那暴动迅速被军队镇压住了。Thr riot was instantly put down by the army.

他们的殴斗被防暴警察制止了。Their scuffle was stopped by the riot police.

监狱的警卫们被动员起来应对暴乱。The prison guards are gearing up for the riot.