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怎样选出最好的眉夹?How to pick the best tweezer?

是镊取平面做细物体的理想工具。It is a tweezer ideal tool to clip flat Small objects.

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你需要一把镊子来把头发梳到一边。You would need a tweezer to tease out the hairs on one side.

还有一个镊子和牙签和一个系绳的接孔。There's also a tweezer and toothpick and a hole for lanyard attachment.

光镊子能镊住大分子,按照测量要求进行操作。A large molecule have been brought using a optical tweezer which can move as measurement requirement.

奠基脱毛体系,采纳应用了革命性镊光盘体系拥有双重不赞成元首。A ground breaking hair removal system that uses a revolutionary tweezer disc system with dual opposed heads.

按照不同的隔离基,综述了分子钳人工受体的研究进展。This paper reviews the recent progress in molecular tweezer artificial receptors according to different spacers.

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将光纤应用于光镊,利用光纤实现光学势阱发展了光镊技术,吸引了研究者的广泛兴趣。Combination of fiber and optical tweezer using a fiber-trap has evolved the technology itself, which attracts researchers' interests.

研究人员用多种细胞和小珠测试这个系统,其中包括一些在光镊标准下较大的样品,并能够控制一个带20微米,或者百万分之一米的空心正方形。They then tested the system with a variety of cells and tiny beads, including some that were large by the standards of optical tweezer work.

本文对新兴边缘学科-单分子物理与化学的一些研究进展进行简要综述。In this review, we concisely introduce the new experimental techniques including scanning tunneling microscopy and optical tweezer technique.

在众多人工受体模型中,分子钳作为一类新型的人工受体已引起人们的广泛关注。Among the variety of artificial receptor models, a special class of receptors called molecular tweezer are currently attracting great interest.

阐述了物理学中“自组型光镊”仪器的研制原理并对仪器的安装、调试和使用方法进行了详细说明。The principle and establishment method of an assembling optic tweezer in physics were put forward which will lead to convenience to physics experiment.

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特殊镊子在收到样品或图纸后短时间内即可出样,能最大限度的降低镊子的制造成本,缩短生产周期。We can offer the special tweezer in very short time after receipt of the sample or drawings, maximizing the reduction of manufacturing costs and shortening the production cycle.

文中创新性的提出光镊技术在微米通道内的应用,并且成功地在激光加工的石英微米通道内实现酵母细胞的捕获与操纵。We innovate that optical tweezer technology can be used in microchannel. At last, yeast cell was trapped and manipulated by the focused laser beam inthe microchannel we machininged.