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它是时间计量器的形状。It is hour glass shaped.

他们是训练有素。They are much more shaped.

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它们的外形真象鲨鱼。They are shaped like sharks.

我用的石头更多的是菱形。Mine are more lozenge shaped.

郁金香型的高脚杯。A tulip shaped glass on a stem.

那片云形如一条鱼。The fish is shaped like a fish.

被做成了玩具兵的形状。It is shaped like a toy soldier.

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它塑造了我对这世界的观感。It shaped my sense of the world.

它的形状倒挺像只鸡蛋的。Instead, it's shaped like an egg.

为什么恁地多的形状像鸟?Why are so many shaped like birds?

她把生面做成饼干形状。She shaped the dough into biscuits.

这个枕头的形状像个胡罗卜。This pillow is shaped like a carrot.

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那个陶工精心地制作了这个花瓶。The potter carefully shaped the vase.

眼为黑褐色,呈杏仁状。The dark brown eyes are almond shaped.

大的,形的,果肉柔软的樱桃。Large heart shaped soft fleshed cherry.

可以装法兰克福香肠的长条面包。A long bun shaped to hold a frankfurter.

爸爸的形象在我的人生中几乎是缺失的。My father has shaped my life in absentia.

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我们的偏好其实是“随大流”的。Our preferences are shaped by the masses.

面板通过钣金加工成型。The faceplate is shaped through sheeting.

剥蚀赋予了它蜂巢状的外形。Erosion shaped its honeycombed appearance.