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布朗是选秀中被选中的第二位进攻内锋。Brown was the second offensive lineman chosen in the draft.

他和德切格列都应该在一线队慢慢成长。He cuts Geleg with Germany to grow slowly in a lineman unit.

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当那位前锋队员给那个四分卫手施以小动作时他给他们叫了罚。He called a penalty on them when the lineman took a cheap shot at the quarterback.

接线员一定是通过使用绝缘斗卡车或其它方法才与地面绝缘。The lineman must be isolated from the ground by using an insulated bucket truck or other method.

这对这名边线防守队员的脚与地面之间的摩擦力产生了怎样的影响?。What effect does this have no the friction force between the opposing lineman 's feet and ground?

这对这名边线防守队员的脚与地面之间的摩擦力产生了怎样的影响?What effect does this have no the friction force between the opposing lineman 's feet and the ground?

当一个线路工给一个顾客打电话要确切地址时,他被告之,“我就在99号邮箱那里”。When one lineman called a customer to get her exact address, he was told, "I'm at Post Office Box 99."

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这也是在建业俱乐部15年历史上对一线队队员做出了最严厉惩罚。This was also has made the severest penalty in a setting up a business club 15 year history to a lineman unit member.

我很享受这场比赛,可以参加一线队的比赛令我感到很兴奋。I enjoy this competition very much, may participate in a lineman unit the competition to make me feel that is very excited.

在橄榄球的防守中,为什么一个边线防守队员试图使自己的身体抵在对方的身体下并向前推?When blocking in football, why does a defending lineman often attempt to get his under that of his opponent and push upward?

巴勒莫踢了一场好球,但我们清楚地被抢劫了,裁判和巡边员也作出了巨大贡献。Palermo has played a good shot, but we have been robbed clearly, the referee and the lineman has also made the great contribution.

在纽约喷气机队一线进攻组练习时,这位进攻内锋没有出现在其中。The New York Jets' first-team offense ran through drills while the veteran offensive lineman barely appeared to be a part of the team.

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不管是接球员跑错路线,还是某个线锋疏于保护四分卫,或者后卫漏接球,布莱特从不会把矛头指向特定球员。Whether it was a receiver running the wrong route, a lineman missing a block or a back fumbling the ball, Brett never singled anyone out.

阿斩块是常用的足球前锋的进攻,如果认为防守球员将用来对付他们的速度。A chop block is often used in football if the offensive lineman thinks that the defensive player is going to use their speed against them.

而同时,除了两名替补门将霍克拉与平托外,所有一线队球员都有了出场纪录。But simultaneously, besides two substitution goalkeeper Huo carat with the even request, all lineman unit players had entered the stage the record.

至于鲁尼的成名作,普遍认为是16岁时代表埃弗顿一线队绝杀双冠王时的吊射。As for Looney's signature work, thought generally is when 16 years old kills time the double crown king on behalf of a Everton lineman unit to hang certainly shoots.

使用户在网上就可以申请入会.学会、后台管理员在网上就可以很方便的处理会员的信息。On-line enables the user to be allowed to apply to join a society. The academic society, the backstage manager is on- lineman the very convenient processing member's information.

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而比那投篮更令人吃惊的是,老实说,魔术师约翰逊如此之快的从座位上跳起庆祝这个进球。An even more physically astounding feat than the shot, frankly, was how quickly hefty Magic Johnson had his offensive lineman 's girth up out of his courtside seat to celebrate Bryant's shot.

达拉斯牛仔队防守前锋肖恩Lissemore跨越在一个下午解决虚拟实践的NFL橄榄球队的训练营,星期二,2010年7月27日在圣安东尼奥,在演习。Dallas Cowboys defensive lineman Sean Lissemore leaps at a tackling dummy during drills in an afternoon practice at the NFL football team's training camp, Tuesday, July 27, 2010, in San Antonio.