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他的声音微弱地传到我们这儿。His voice came faintly to us.

那是仙境的号角轻轻地吹起!The horns of Elfland faintly blowing!

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这茶有淡淡的菊花味。The tea tasted faintly of chrysanthemum.

声音隐约的从楼下传上来。The voice drifted faintly up from below.

可以隐约觉得有一点柠檬味。One can faintly discern the flavour of lemon.

老师有点儿不喜欢那个学生。The teacher took faintly against the student.

凝滞的空气中隐隐有股家具上光剂的味道。The still air smelt faintly of furniture polish.

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在埃克斯穆尔高地,远处山坡上隐约可见长长的篱墙。On Exmoor, hedge banks faintly trace the far hill.

它的气味仍然隐约如大海,我却有一丝心痛。It still smells faintly of the sea. My heart aches.

黛西站了起来,微微一笑,走到桌子前面。Daisy rose, smiling faintly , and went to the table.

这座洁白的城市在朦胧的曙色中闪耀着微光。The white city faintly shimmered in the pale sunshine.

广口瓶里盛满了闪烁模糊光芒的绿色液体。The jar was filled with a faintly glowing green liquid.

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嘴角悄然地掠过一丝笑,淡淡地、凉凉地。Mouth and quietly flew slightest smile, faintly and cool.

“晚安,”他恍恍惚惚地说,睡意朦胧。"Goodnight, " he said faintly and then began to dose off.

你来敲门又那么轻,轻轻叩击我的房门。And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door.

他轻轻地责备她,说她是造成他痛苦的根源。He reproached her faintly with being the cause of his distress.

老人朝邻居淡淡地一笑,慢慢走了进去。The old man smiled faintly at his neighbor and slowly walked in.

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在安纳金的一个肩膀上,不省人事的绝地大师轻微地喘着气。Over Anakin's shoulder, the unconscious Jedi Master wheezed faintly.

在葡萄园内,一切都变得朦朦胧胧,可葡萄藤依稀可见。In the vineyards, everything becomes hazy, vines can be faintly visible.

熟透的番茄闻起来清香甜美,但略带人工化的气息,缺少泥腥味。The ripening fruit smells faintly artificial, all sweetness and no soil.