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那些西班牙人简直都快为之疯狂了。The Spaniards are nutty about it.

你收到了很疯狂的构想吗?Do you get any really nutty ideas?

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假如我在镜箱里,肯定也会抓狂。I certainly would go nutty in a mirrored box.

我想我一定在某张疯人通讯簿上。I always think I must be on some nutty mailing list.

复杂的坚果香气,以及一抹蜂蜜和无花果香。Complex nutty aromas combined with hints of honey and fig.

但烘焙之后,果实就会散发出一种浓郁的咖啡豆一样的香味。But when roasted they took on a rich, nutty coffee-like aroma.

这种营养丰富的谷物颗粒非常小,稍微有点儿坚果的味道。This nutritious grain is very small. It has a mild, nutty taste.

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香菜有一种坚果气味,也是一种对消化有益的药草。Caraway has a nutty smell and is also an herb useful to digestion.

像这种坚果甜点的热量高达500多大卡.A typical slice of this nutty dessert can cost you over 500 calories.

巴斯马蒂大米是一种有坚果味的长粒大米。Basmati rice is a long-grained rice with a nutty flavor and fragrance.

授粉种子提供有特色的风味赵毅干无花果。Pollinated seeds provide the characteristic nutty taste of dried figs.

汤姆真是古怪极了。他们总有一天要把他送人疯人院。Tom is as nutty as a fruitcake. They will put him in a nuttery someday.

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极浓郁醇度,低酸度,带有独特坚果香气和花香味。Uniqely , heavy body , low acidity, pleasant nutty aroma , distinctive.

在口中,她很圆滑,柑橘果主导并带有果仁的风味。In the mouth, it's smooth and citrus fruit driven with some nutty notes.

星期二象一场噩梦一样长,五节课,还有调皮的学生。Tuesday was a nightmareishly long day with 5 lessons and nutty students.

食客品尝到鲜嫩多汁的樱桃西红柿里面填满了坚果的芝麻酱。Diners can enjoy succulent cherry tomatoes filled with a nutty sesame sauce.

中等醇度,中等酸度,甘甜顺滑,香味,坚果味。Good acidity moderate body really sweet nutty aroma with smooth rich flavor.

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做可丽饼,黄油要熔到散发出“淡淡的坚果香味”才算合适。Butter, melted for crêpes, was ready when it gave off a "slightly nutty smell".

其种子有淡淡的坚果味道,煮好后几乎是半透明的。Its seeds have a light, nutty taste, and when cooked become almost translucent.

酸度适中,中等醇度,甘甜顺滑,香味凝重带坚果味。Good acidity, moderate body, really sweet, nutty aroma with smooth, rich flavor.