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这使我有点困窘。This embarassed me somewhat.

毛的长度不妨略微有些调换。The length may vary somewhat.

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总是一个鉴定家。He is somewhat of a connoisseur.

他对这件事的解释有些含糊。He explained it somewhat mistily.

他的听觉已受到一定程度的损害。His hearing is somewhat impaired.

这个故事有些下流。The story is somewhat off-colour.

她的头发也有些蓬乱。Her hair was somewhat disarranged.

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牧羊是不同的。Shepherding is somewhat different.

他的体形有点像梨。His figure is somewhat pear-shaped.

他的笑话有些牵强附会。His jokes were somewhat farfetched.

河神逐渐有些开窍了。River God was enlightened somewhat.

那个小伙子有点愣头愣脑的。That young fellow is somewhat rash.

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欧洲的数额略少。Amounts in Europe are somewhat less.

瞪眼,你的眼睛可以鼓出来。Stare. Your eyes can bulge somewhat.

他的辩解多少有点过火。His explanation overreached somewhat.

这美女甚感安慰。The young woman was solaced somewhat.

这滋润了有些失真。This softens the distortion somewhat.

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良心是上帝未被彻底吹熄的蜡烛。Conscience hath somewhat divine in it.

他依旧郁郁寡欢,并且有点粗野。He remained heavy and somewhat uncouth.

我发现他的行为方式令人颇为费解。I find his style somewhat impenetrable.