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如何找到施助?How to find relief?

安全角阀。Relief angle valve.

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这简直是一场解脱。It was almost a relief.

他叹一口气,算是放心了。He breathed a sigh of relief.

他放心地松了一口气。He breathed a sign of relief.

中央铜门上的浮雕。Relief on the main bronze door.

你知道,我心头的一块大石差不多落地吗?You know, that's almost a relief?

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最后,救命的钟声终于敲响了。Finally the bell rang as a relief.

他又松了一口气。He let out another sigh of relief.

现在精神可以放松了,尽情宣泄了。Now there is relief and catharsis.

神圣的静寂和宽慰慢慢沉落。Blessed silence and relief descend.

安全阀阀座损坏或受到污染。Damage or fouled relief valve seat.

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所有人的人体像皆系高浮雕。All those figures are in high relief.

他两眼露出宽慰和喜悦的光芒。His eyes gleamed with relief and joy.

救援人员“不屈不挠”地继续工作。The relief workers kept soldiering on.

教导你宁静,坚信,和我的救援。Imparting calm and trust and My relief.

各种各样的救济会造成经济负担沉重。Relief payments percolated the economy.

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那可让我松了口气。很高兴听到你这么说。That's a relief. I'm glad to hear that.

请为饥荒赈款慷慨解囊。Please give generously to famine relief.

这种药将快速解除你的病痛。This medicine will give you quick relief.