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汉森博士解释说,解剖会造成一些意想不到的变化。Dissection induces changes, explained Dr Hansen.

今天的生物课上,我正在解剖一只猪腰。Today, I had a pig kidney dissection in Biology.

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腋窝脂肪抽吸后,腋窝淋巴清扫变得容易。The suction of the fat in axilla makes axillary dissection easier.

解剖的过程很恶心且气味难闻。dissection consists of disgusting procedures and unpleasant smells.

受伤的动脉可以形成栓子或者动脉夹层。The damaged arteries may occlude with thrombus or undergo dissection.

对颈淋巴结未及肿大的患者可暂不行颈淋巴结清扫术。Neck dissection may not be practiced until neck lymph node is positive.

学生也可以用“数字手术刀”完成整个青蛙解剖过程。Students can perform an entire frog dissection with a “digital scalpel.”

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学生关注课堂解剖有很多原因。There are many reasons students are concerned about classroom dissection.

皮瓣游离平面位于趾伸屈肌腱表面。The dissection level was on the surface of the flexor and extensor tendons.

筛泡的解剖位置和大体形态是恒定的。Sieves the dissection position which soaks and the shape is roughly constant.

这个人道的方法和传统的解剖教育相比有许多好处。This humane method has many educational benefits over traditional dissection.

结论颈淋巴结清扫术在甲状腺癌再次手术中具有明确的治疗作用。Conclusions Neck lymph dissection had definite curable effect on re-operation for DTC.

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在解剖手术显微镜用显微手术镊子、剪子完成WMP。WMP was performed under dissection microscope with microsurgical scissors and forceps.

它们的骨头又多又小,你还得穿着晚礼服跟它较劲。All those little bones you have to dismantle, everybody dressed up fortheir dissection.

在此解剖过程中常会切断踝前外侧动脉和跗外侧动脉。This dissection usually diides the anterolateral malleolar and lateral tarsal arteries.

对蛛网膜粘连者可切开硬膜减压并分离粘连。To arachnoid adhesion person can dissection putamen decompression is detached adhesion.

有一个中学女生提着装有两个老鼠的笼子,她是带着老鼠去上解剖课吗?One teenage schoolgirl is carrying two rats in a cage. Bring-your-own dissection classes?

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然而,这些内容和要求,我们可以通过分析解剖得到的HTML。However, these contents and requirements we can obtain by analyzing the HTML for dissection.

髂腰肌也从关节囊上被钝性剥离并向内侧牵开。The iliopsoas is also separated from the capsule by blunt dissection and retracted medially.

因此如果真正的解剖太粘糊糊的话,那么是时候该试试一些蛤蟆科技了。So for cases in which a real dissection would be too slimy , it's time to try some toad tech.