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没有播放按钮?No playback buttons?

最后,检测本地视频回放。Finally, check for native video playback.

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在放映时规定回放顺序。Defines the playback order during presentation.

UP6型机器人为传统的示教再现机器人。MOTOMAN-UP6 robot is a traditional playback robot.

直接在扬声器或播放器自动播放音乐。Direct playback music on any sound-system or speaker.

我一直在快速向前翻动画面,这是录像重放。I’m still fast-forwarding. This is recorded playback.

首先,介绍录象机重放的基本原理。At first, the basic principles of VTR playback are described.

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简而言之,音序器是MIDI录制和播放的设置。In short, sequencers are MIDI recording and playback devices.

遥控屏幕有一些对媒体录放的基本控制。The remote screen has some basic controls for media playback.

时间线录像工具可以将选定的时间线录制到磁带。Timeline VTR tool allows selective timeline playback to tape.

使用一个GPX文件描述一个路径使之重现在设备上。Use a GPX file describing a route for playback to the device.

关节型码垛机器人是具有记忆再现功能的机器人。Joint stacking robot is a robot with memory and playback function.

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点选你想要播放的文件可以开始在电脑上播放。Tap the file you'd like to play to begin playback on your computer.

一旦引导器断电,终端的回放电路就会被触发。Power loss in the inducer would trigger the deck's playback circuit.

是第一台能够记录并重放声音和音乐的机器!The first thing that could record and playback sounds, voices, music!

近日,Moonlight得到了增强,可以支持GPU加速的视频播放。Moonlight has been enhanced to support GPU-accelerated video playback.

当李棫基遇到“一人一剧场”时,她发觉那就是她要走的路。When NEEDA met "Playback Theatre", she realized it was her life's path.

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具有透明颜色的影像会根据图形档案格式的不同,而以不同的方式储存。I would like to set the transparent color for an avi Playback in DirectX.

支持播放本地歌曲,可通过歌名、专辑、歌手三种方式查找本地歌曲。Playback of local songs and search local songs by title, album and singers.

与3波段参数均衡器,你可以很容易地调整回放你喜欢。With 3-Band Parametric Equalizer you may easily adjust playback as you like.