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哈罗德总是拍老闆的马屁。Harold is always brown-nosing the oss.

今天要求所有的二水刷船壳。All OSs are required to paint hull today.

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即使该开源软件成为某种“事实标准”,它也仍然是一个开放标准。Once an OSS become de facto standard it's still an open standard.

无论如何,不应该因策略以外的任何理由采用OSS。In no case should OSS be adopted for any reason other than strategic.

这些好处并非普遍存在,而且OSS也不适合于所有机构。These benefits are not universal and OSS is not suitable for all institutions.

实施OSS并非一项任何机构都能轻易完成的任务。Implementing OSS is not an undertaking that any institution should take lightly.

用户可以在微软技术之上使用OSS软件,被唯一的卖家锁住。Customer can use OSS software over MS technology and get a single vendor lock-in.

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这两种产品给服务器提供了同时运行几个基于x86的OS的能力。Both of these products offer servers that run multiple x86-based OSs simultaneously.

一些老版本的操作系统,如MS-DOS,允许编程人员直接访问硬件。Older OSs like MS-DOS, for example, allowed programs to access hardware resources directly.

虽然这种看法可能不正确,但它有助于促使机构转向OSS。While this may be an incorrect perception, it is helping to drive institutions towards OSS.

戴笠回应说他将处死任何一名在中美合作所协议之外行动的特工。Dai responded that he would execute any OSS agent found operating outside the SACO agreement.

和校园里的开发实验室不同,微软OSS实验室兼收并蓄了各种各样的硬件。Unlike some of the build-labs on campus, the OSS Lab contains an eclectic variety of hardware.

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战略情报局被中国承认为“戴笠将军的情报机构的下属合作伙伴”。The OSS was admitted to China “as subordinate partners of General Dai Li's intelligence service.

战略情报局被中国承认为“戴笠将军的情报机构的下属合作伙伴”。The OSS was admitted to China “as subordinate partners of General Dai Li’s intelligence service.”

这样的话,如果你在系统间切换就会引起盘符错乱的问题,以后添加或是删除分区也会出现这个问题。This can cause changing drive letters if you switch between OSs or add or delete partitions later.

随着这些年来OSS实验室的成长,我们在里面越来越温暖了。The OSS Lab has continued to grow over the years, and things were getting a bit too toasty in there.

你可以在众多不同的移动OS数据集上通过捏拉、摇动、点击等方式来查看数据。You can pinch to zoom, pan, swipe, etc. across datasets of many different mobile OSs to explore data.

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战略情报局想利用第14空军作为掩护在日本境内执行任务。OSS would run operations inside Japanese territory using the 14th Air Force as cover from the Chinese.

在协助和说服机构的时候,供应商应该按事情的是非曲直为那家公司考虑OSS。When assisting and advising institutions, vendors should consider OSS on its merits to that institution.

只有零售版才支持的设备在两个版本都支持的设备后面列出。Devices supported only by the retail version are listed below the devices supported by both OSS versions.