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他的英语丢荒疏了。His English is rusty.

我的法语有些荒疏了。My French is a bit rusty.

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我的高尔夫球技有些生疏了。I'm a little rusty at golfing.

我的法语有几分荒疏了。My French has got rather rusty.

我的法语相当荒疏了。My French has got rather rusty.

一把生锈的钥匙打开了那扇暗门!A Rusty Key Opens a Hidden Door!

所有螺丝全上锈了。All the screws are wholly rusty.

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假种皮红色,熟时有光泽。Aril rusty and polish when ripe.

我们捕到的鱼在船底乱蹦。The bottom of the boat was rusty.

她抬眼扫视了一下这间灰沉沉的办公室。She glanced about the rusty office.

快刀不磨黄锈起。Knives get rusty when not sharpened.

门因铰链生锈,开门吱吱作响。The door grated on its rusty hinges.

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这扇门因铰链生锈开关发出嘎嘎的声音。The door grated on its rusty hinges.

汤匙因弃置不用而生锈了。The spoon has been rusty from disuse.

恐怕这玩意锈住了。I'm afraid it’s gotten a little rusty.

那个箱子是用生锈的铁丝捆紧的。The box was fastened with a rusty wire.

正是这只老旧的来福枪命中了那致命的一枪。This old and rusty rifle is a dead shot.

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胆结石是什么病哟,恼火不?。Gall-stone is what disease oh, rusty not?

这铁在雨中已经锈得很厉害。The iron has gone quite rusty in the rain.

我拿了把古老的生锈的耙子去耙叶子。With an ancient, rusty rake I went to work.