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SNMP和CMIP是目前使用最广泛的两大网管协议。SNMP and CMIP are two network protocols used broadly.

路由器网管代理是路由器软件系统的重要组成部分。SNMP agent is an integrated part of router software system.

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因为UDP非连接导向且不可靠,SNMP可能会遗失讯息。Since UDP is connectionless and unreliable, it is possible for SNMP to lose messages.

也就是况,基于JMX开发的SNMP协议可以无缝的去管理基于JMX开发的CMIP协议。That means the SNMP can manage the CMIP, if these protocols stacks are based on the JMX.

本文研究了简单网络管理协议和网络性能管理的有关内容。This paper researches the correlative contents of SNMP and network performance management.

MIB是驻留在内存住的数据结构,并且通过SNMP进程刷新数据。Residing in memory, MIBs are data structures that are constantly updated via the SNMP daemon.

下面的许多例子是关于SNMP的,SNMP是简单网络过来协议的缩写。Many examples below talk about SNMP which is an acronym for Simple Network Management Protocol.

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目前,业界广泛采用SNMP网管协议来实现对数字电视系统的信息监控。Nowadays, SNMP has become a widely used network management protocol to monitor the DVB-T systems.

SNMP和CMIP在传统的网络和系统管理上占据主导地位。The predominant models to perform network and systems management have traditionally been SNMP and CMIP.

然后,当需完成复杂的管理任务时,SNMP就会体现出其局限性。However, SNMP is beginning to reach its limits when more complex management tasks are to be performed, and CMIP ?

本文首先介绍了网络管理的基本功能以及相关的网络管理技术,重点分析了SNMP。SNMP is analyzed weightily and its working mechanism is studied deeply. Secondly, on the basis of the theory of SNMP.

为降低故障管理流量对网络的影响,本文提出了一种SNMP分布汇集轮询方法。To reduce the impact of network fault management traffic, a novel SNMP distributed aggregative polling method is presented.

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本文首先对SNMP做简单介绍,说明SNMP历史,命令和报文格式,以及工作原理。This thesis does the introduction to SNMP at first, SNMP history, command and struction of message, and operation principle.

采用嵌入式微型互联网技术的SNMP代理,对其自身的功耗有严格的要求。The SNMP Agent, which is based on the Embedded Micro Internet Technology, has a severe standard of its own power -consumption.

随着网络规模和复杂度的增加,SNMP已经成为众多厂商首选的网络管理方案。As networks increase in size and complexity, SNMP has being the most important management protocol in the multi-vendor environment.

在SNMP的开发部分,通过定义一个用户的私有MIB库和底层封装SNMP报文格式,开发了符合标准SNMP协议的网络监控代理。In the part of SNMP application , a standard SNMP agent is developed by encapsulating SNMP protocol and defining a private MIB base.

该软件可以灵活设置特定SNMP设备的查询频率,还可以设定每个设备上希望监控的OID。The software is flexible in terms of how frequently a certain SNMP device is polled and what OIDs you wish to monitor on each device.

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本文讲述了在这个无线自组织网络中管理系统的构建以及WR上的SNMP代理程序的实现。The object of this paper is to present the realization of SNMP agent software which bases on WR in this Wireless Self-organized network.

传统的网络管理协议SNMP在网络配置、传输效率和安全性等方面的问题日益突出。The traditional SNMP has more problems in network configuration, transport efficiency and security, which leads to the birth of NETCONF.

是目前主流的嵌入式管理技术,广泛应用在交换机、路由器等产品中。SNMP is nowadays the key enabling technology, which is adopted widely in the management of datacom products, such as switches, routers etc.