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战争的幽灵逼近了。The specter of war loomed ahead.

一些人还祭出了优生学的幽灵。Some are raising the specter of eugenics.

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催眠幽灵看起来比他好多了。Hypnotic Specter seems a lot better than this to me.

资本主义归来的幽灵正在笼罩世界。A specter is haunting the world—the return of capitalism.

幽灵板甲注入了来自坠影冥界的能量。Specter plate is infused with energy from the Shadowfell.

然而Specter坚持说,在总统面前他不会人云亦云。Yet Specter insisted he would not be a rubber stamp for the president.

没有人,如果他是真诚的,能够说战争的幽灵已经被消除。No man, if he be truthful, can say that the specter of war is banished.

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但是当奥尔雷德加入进来后,公共关系灾难的幽灵露了头。But with Allred involved, the specter of major PR disaster raises its head.

在美国,新的仇恨犯罪法也引发了类似的忧虑。New hate-crime laws in America raise the specter of the same practice here.

一只母麦克里妖怪竹节虫在辛辛那提动物园的一条树枝上仔细思考。A female Macleay specter stick insect pauses on a branch at the Cincinnati Zoo.

若熵力幽灵对任何玩家造成伤害,则该玩家选择弃掉一张牌。If Entropic Specter damages any player, that player chooses and discards a card.

一只雌性麦克里幽灵竹节虫在辛辛那提动物园的一条树枝上休息。A female Macleay's specter stick insect pauses on a branch at the Cincinnati Zoo.

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这种关头,人们开始害怕那第二次衰退的幽灵便也在情理之中。At these times, people naturally begin to fear the specter of the next recession.

自我毁灭的幽灵只有在废除美国—日本安全条约下才有可能安息。The specter of self-destruction can be ended only with the abrogation of the U. S.

阿克萨烈士旅威胁要进行报复,增加了暴力升级的可能。The Al-Aqsa Brigade threatened revenge, raising the specter of an escalation of violence.

对投资者来说,长期经济萎靡不振的幽灵意味着长期的投资低回报。For investors, the specter of a long period of malaise means a long period of low returns.

石敬云一走,两公主就急问她有什么鬼点子了。The stone respects once smoke hike, two princesses urgently ask her to have what specter idea.

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我们还面临另一个幽灵,那就是非线性的“气候引爆点”,这会带来许多严重得多的变化。We also face the specter of nonlinear “tipping points” that may cause much more severe changes.

斯派克先生确实努力在大选之夜给斯塔克先生打了一个电话,他将之描述为很“短”。Mr. Specter did manage a phone call to Mr. Sestak on election night, which he described as “short.”Even

再加上油价高企和全球信贷市场收缩的挤压,全球增长前景足可堪优。That -- along with rising oil prices and the specter of a global credit crunch -- is changing the picture.