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我们佩服她的外交手腕。We admire her for her diplomatic tact.

总是练习着彬彬有礼且老成练达。Exercise courtesy and tact at all times.

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沉默不总是机智,但是确是机智。Silence is not always tact, and it is tact.

有助于展露你的耐心,忍耐和技能。It helps manifesting patience, tolerance and tact.

我们极为信任他的机智和谨慎。We reposed great trust in his tact and discretion.

天秤最好的武器便是正确的战略和机敏的态度。The Libra's best weapon is a correct strategy and tact.

由于是最后一个项目,我们想另辟蹊径。For a final project, we wanted to take a different tact.

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我会在这儿等你们这些精于圆滑言辞的大老爷们。I shall wait for you masters of tact and subtlety out here.

那为大嘴巴太太说话跟闯进瓷器店的公牛一样笨拙。That Mrs. Bigmouth has about as much tact as a bull in a china shop.

只要知道小生命还在得体地持续,那就是我高兴的理由。Just knowing that life was still in tact was all I needed to rejoice.

改掉这个毛病的最好办法就是要为不断地学习。The best way for Archers to cultivate tact is through prodigious study.

主席以他惯有的机智和文雅主持会议。The chairman presided over the meeting with his usual tact and urbanity.

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罗斯曾希望TACT能帮他找到自己的另一半,结果在某种程度上来说,正是如此。Ross had hoped that TACT would help him meet someone, and, in a way, it had.

骑摩托车可以培养机智、勇敢、顽强的男子气。Motorcycle driving can train tree's tact , bravery and determines masculinity.

互联网相亲网站很多还在像TACT一样依靠调查问卷。Most of the Internet dating sites still rely, as TACT did, on the questionnaire.

几年之后,罗斯厌倦了TACT并转行金融工作。After a couple of years, Ross grew bored with TACT and went into finance instead.

由于B先生为人处事的乖巧和干劲,他能成功地完成困难任务。Because of his tact and energy, Mr. B can accomplish difficult tasks with success.

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铑的结构为立方体,比早期的接触镀层更加稳定。Rhodium's structure is cubic, which is more stable than that of earlier con tact platings.

第一次,很偶然,那是TACT创建者罗伯特·罗斯的大女儿。The first, as it happens, was with the eldest daughter of Robert Ross, the founder of TACT.

从这个意义上看,伽达默尔阐释学的机敏问题就是从主体方面来探讨康德审美判断力。Tact in Gadamer's Hermeneutics is to probe Kant's aesthetical judgment in aspect of subject.