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这真是个愚蠢的问题。This is an inane question.

他们不屑于他们视为空无意义的东西。They don't value what they regard as inane and pointless.

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友谊就应该像这样,生活中没有朋友是空洞的。Friendship is like this, it is inane without friends in one's life.

而在现实中,通常至少会蹦出一个无脑的大嘴巴打破车厢的宁静气氛。In reality, there is usually at least one inane babbler to break the silence.

管他呢,消除这种愚蠢的行为可以节省很多宝贵的电力。Regardless, ending this inane practice could save a lot of precious electricity.

我努力阻断我脑子以外那些无聊的想法,在它们把我逼疯之前。I tried to block the inane chatter out of my head before the petty and the trivial

它也安排了交换生项目和其它几种诸如此类的确切地说是空洞的措施。It also arranged for student exchanges and a few other such rather inane measures.

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不吃饭也完成项目经理的某些面子工程令我相当地不高兴。Missing lunch to complete some inane pet project for my manager was physically upsetting.

始终如一的是迷惘空洞的大眼睛和涂抹着橙红色的不算性感的小嘴儿。The uniform ones are the confused and inane eyes and not sexy lips smeared with the same red lipstick.

如今,世界上许多大学修改了课程设置,增开了一些垃圾无用课程。Many colleges all over the world have changed their curriculum to include inane and unnecessary courses.

在我繁忙时,甚至把来自朋友的空洞无物的电子邮件都忽略掉,尽管我寄给了朋友们许多稀里糊涂的电子邮件!Even inane emails from friends get ignored when I'm busy, even though I send friends lots of silly emails!

要不怎么解释他在比赛第39分钟所做的一切,一次对高尔不理智地双脚飞铲。How else to explain what he did in the 39th minute, an inane two-footed, studs-up challenge on Mark Gower.

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假如我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret allies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.

如果我今天看了1200个惩戒骂娘帖,你可以看到一些术士和战士的毫无意义的、空洞的窃喜。If I can read 1200 angry posts from Ret pallies today, you can blow off some inane gloating from warlocks or warriors.

这一番无理之词让本杰明哑口无言。从这时起两个人之间的关系开始出现了裂痕。As this was an inane and unanswerable argument Benjamin made no reply, and from that time on a chasm began to widen between them.

从而为探索政治思想教育如何走出空洞说教的误区提供了理论依据和切实可行的方法。Thereby, the paper provides educators a feasible approach for seeking ideal ideological education and getting rid of inane sermon.

所谓谁的竞选广告改变了民调的得分,在上一次泛泛而谈的辩论中谁表现得不错,这些媒体的新闻报道,也是无济于事的。Nor does media coverage that focuses on whose commercials are moving polling points and who performed well in the last inane debate.

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这种对性的羞涩是一种犯罪,而中国甚至连一个像基督教一样,可笑的把性本身当成一种罪恶的空洞的借口都没有。This coyness about sex is a crime, and China does not even have the inane excuse of the Christians for whom sex is, laughably, a sin.

中国大众仍然嘲讽她的愚蠢言论,比如“爱因斯坦当然比我聪明,他发明了电灯,对吗?”Still, the Chinese public would mock her inane statements, such as “Einstein is for sure not smarter than me. He invented light, right?”

我可以想象出很多的男演员,至于姓名我就好心地不提了,他们完全有能力将这部影片中的主人公扮演得满脸傻笑,或是无比蠢笨。I can imagine a long list of actors, whose names I will charitably suppress, who could appear in this material and render it simpering, or inane.