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卖主标识符?。VID? Vender IDentifier?

连接标识符。The connection identifier.

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虚拟链路标识符?。VLI? Virtual Link Identifier?

一个6字节长的终端系统标识符。A 6-byte end-system identifier.

虚拟连接标识符?。VCI?Virtual Connection Identifier?

获取用户提供的标识符Obtain the User-Supplied Identifier

该对象的唯一标识码。The unique identifier for this object.

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号分类学是一个标识符分类法。Number taxonomy is an identifier taxonomy.

给新报表起一个名字和一个标示符。Give the new report a name and an identifier.

任何其他插件都不能共用相同的标识符。No other plug-in can share the same identifier.

这个类存储共享内存标识符。This class stores the shared memory identifier.

取得或设定识别项的易记名称。Gets or sets the dotted number of the identifier.

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在用户提供的标识符上执行发现Perform discovery on the User-Supplied Identifier

任何值都可以为空白标识符赋值。Any value may be assigned to the blank identifier.

为一个着色器属性名获取唯一标识。Gets unique identifier for a shader property name.

任务栏图标的用户定义的标识。Application-defined identifier of the taskbar icon.

每个域都由其域标识符来标识。Each domain is identified by its domain identifier.

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标识符应声明为客户实体。B. An identifier should be declared for the Client entity.

一个项目的主键或惟一标识符是项目的名称。The key or unique identifier for an item is the item's name.

以下部分包括传送这一标识符的可行方法。The next section includes possible ways to pass the identifier.