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什么是语言类型学?What is linguistic typology?

她在从事语言学的研究。She is pursuing her linguistic researches.

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我们都羡慕他在语言方面的造诣。We all envy him his linguistic attainments.

借词是一个普遍的语言现象。Borrowing is a universal linguistic phenomenon.

他未将他的语言学理论整理成一本书。He never put all his linguistic theory into a book.

同音词是一个有趣的语言现象。Homonymity is an interesting linguistic phenomenon.

排除类型及其相应语形。Preclusive types and corresponding linguistic form.

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这些问题既涉及到语言措辞,也涉及到语言形式。These issues cover both wordings and linguistic forms.

这样,很少或者说没有语言的变异。Consequently, little or no linguistic variation ensued.

他在书中提出了语言模式的概念。In his book, he advanced the idea of linguistic patterns.

它们很难被理解,因为它们有语言性。And they're hard to understand because they're linguistic.

阿拉伯人对他们的语言遗产极其自豪。Arabs are inordinately proud of their linguistic heritage.

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“作观光旅行”是一种语言策略还是一种道德立场?。Is "Bunburying" a Linguistic Strategy or a Moral Position?

方言土语是一种语言现象,又是一个社会现象。Dialects are regarded as a linguistic and social phenomenon.

富人和穷人之间有一道语言分界。There is a linguistic divide between the have’s and have-nots.

模糊语言学是一门新兴语言学边缘学科。Vague linguistics is a marginal subject in linguistic research.

作为语言学术语,同语反复是永真式的同义词。As a linguistic term, cognate recurrences are absolute synonyms.

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价格的差异还反映了语言的与时并进。But the difference in price also represents linguistic currency.

但是本周的动乱也催生了其它词汇的新鲜的用法。But this week's unrest has thrown up other linguistic novelties.

写作能力是语文能力的最高形式的检测。The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.