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制订计划、展望未来。Formulating the plans. Forecasting the future.

参与有关税收法规和制度的拟定。to participate in formulating related taxation regulations.

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我们正在制定一个发展可再生能源的计划。We are now formulating a plan for development of renewable energy.

我想这是他对时间的本质的,一种阐释。I think it's his way of formulating a view about the nature of time.

当你规划一种反应的时候,你听不进别人的话。You can't listen to another person when you're formulating a response.

一个好的配方知道如何使用上述每个基础油石油制定。A good formulator knows how to use each base oil above to oil formulating.

从配方设计、配混工艺几方面阐述了PVC色母料的研制过程。The formulating of recipe and technology of PVC masterbatches was studied.

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文中并就地质项目的立项和价格提出了建议。Suggestions for formulating geological projects and pricing are put forward.

好消息是,当你构思自己的商业模式之时,你无需从零开始。The good news is that you don’t have to start from scratch when formulating it.

布尔逻辑对你规划条件语句的结构特别有用。Boolean logic is especially useful for formulating clear conditional statements.

我们现在正在进行调查研究,制定方案。Currently , we are conducting investigations and research and formulating plans.

马世豪细致讲述设计品牌战略的重要考虑。John Ma going through the essential considerations in formulating brand strategy.

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在你计算你的预算的时候,很容易就忽略定期花费和节日花费。It’s easy to overlook periodical and seasonal expenses when formulating your budget.

对于研制材种出材率表和材种出材量表的一些技术和方法问题也进行了讨论。The problems of technique and method in formulating these tables are also discussed.

绘制流程图通常在制订计算机解决方案的早期阶段。Flowcharts are generally drawn in the early stages of formulating computer solutions.

温家宝表示,中马两国政府都在制订下一个五年规划,加强中马合作是我们发展的共同需要。Wen said that the Chinese and Malaysian governments are formulating the next 5-year plans.

与此相关,我国也在制定EPON设备的互通及网络管理方面的规范标准。China is also formulating standards for EPON equipment interworking and network management.

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研究出成本最低的饲料配方,将营养需求与营养供给结合起来。formulating least-cost diets that bring nutrient requirements and nutrient supply together.

制定罪名定义的方法是属加种差定义方法。Definition of genus plus specific difference is the method of formulating accusation definition.

本文旨在对狄兰·托马斯诗歌中“自性”的发展过程及其表现进行阐释。The thesis aims at formulating the development and emergence of the Self in Dylan Thomass poetry.